Naming Fish

Funny thing about my fish is all my friends(the girl ones) always ask me what the names of my fish are so I just make them up on the spot most of the time, but like my beta is known as the Beta, so I guess he has a name lol.
I name all my fish. It's always exciting choosing a name for a new fish.

These are my fish names:

blue rams: Bernard and Rose
gold rams: Graeme and Pearl
Betta: Sir Barry Pose-a-lot
Platies: Paul, Polly, Peppa, Poppy
Guppies: Gary, Gill, Gavin, Gareth
Albino cories: Albert and Alfred
Apple snails: Slimon and Mishell

Then I have various schooling fish in the tanks, they get a general name. My son named his neon tetras Neenaas (he loves fire engines :rolleyes: ) and the minnows are Minnies.
I've named almost everything including my biggest pest snail and fry.

Hoplo: Tzuppy
Red Swordie: Bee
Black Berlin Swordie: Cracker
black fry: Ninja
pink fry: Pinky
snail: Ramses

Seems the snail has had a batch of smaller snails, as they somehow ended up in my filter. o_O
And a new snail (either trumpet or apple) might be joining soon as dad said he will get one of those probably this week.

Aside from that, I have an European pond turtle named Blasty and a newt named Fat One.
I name tanks.
My son's done that too. We have 'The Edge', 'The Deep', 'The Shallows', 'The Cube', 'The Pool', 'The Green and Black' and 'Gormok's Pad'

Most of the fish, but not all, have some sort of 'name', even if it's a collective one!

Gormok, the oscar
Six, the striped talking catfish
Spot, the spotted " "
Half Tail, the syno
Gorky, the black angel
Mrs Whippy, the royal whiptail
Russell, the BN
Weekly, the L052
Syn, the gibbi

The Lads, the male Endler's (the female Endler's don't get named :blush: )
The Swarm, the tiger barbs
and then there's Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, and Bob, the green neons :D

None of the rest have any kind of name, they're just 'the zebra loach', or 'the silvertips'
I name the ones I can tell apart easily too. So my betta is called Zod but also sometimes called Fatty McFatterson or Mr GrumpyPants :blink:

My corys used to be called The 3 Stooges but there's more than 3 now!
I name the ones I can tell apart easily too. So my betta is called Zod but also sometimes called Fatty McFatterson or Mr GrumpyPants :blink:

My corys used to be called The 3 Stooges but there's more than 3 now!
I saw the vid of your cories and the betta, lol never knew cories move so quick and the betta was so elegant. Epic music too.
Aw thanks FB! Hey lemme tell ya that wasn't even as crazy as they get lol - corys are nuts!
Aw thanks FB! Hey lemme tell ya that wasn't even as crazy as they get lol - corys are nuts!
They're more like jet planes than my hoplo is. X))) He's moving more like a goldfish compared to cories.
And your betta being so calm, it's amazing. He doesn't seem to mind anything there.
What happened to those snails you've added though that he was interested in?
Nope he's a pretty good boy really. The verdict is still out on the snails lol - I'll let ya know (it's hard to tell if they are alive or dead ya see :crazy: )
lol I feel guilty for this blatant threadjack! I can't get on youtube at work :)hey: ) but it's in an old thread HERE - page 3, post #50. It's not very good really :blush:
lol I feel guilty for this blatant threadjack! I can't get on youtube at work :)hey: ) but it's in an old thread HERE - page 3, post #50. It's not very good really :blush:

Thanks! Will have a look later, sun is in my face at the moment and that pesty dog has broken the blinds.

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