Naming Fish

I dont name my fish. Probably because i know you could just wake up one morning and them be some of them be dead without knowing the cause. But i do name other pets, well just dogs really
All the ones I can tell apart have names ;) There's Boris, Bruce, Pearl, Jasper, Momo, Humbug, Betty, Jaffa, Lemon and Spotless (he's the only Tetra I can tell apart as he's missing spots- the others all look the same).
I name all my fish. My Loaches are Leo, Lily, and Luke. The gobies are Arthur and Guinevere. The Sparkling Gouramis are Kyurem and Ramuné. My tetras are collectivley known as Legion from the quote "We are Legion, for we are many"
All of my pets including fish have names. If I have a school of fish, I find some famous group in that number (a school of 5 could be The Jackson 5).
I name all but the ones I can't tell apart then it's just the group or something.
I have: speckles, domino, snowflake, dusty, Mickey, Otis (both my Otos), azzie, and spot. Other than that it's just not named or something. My cardinal tetras were stripe x I had stripe 1,2,3 and then 1 and 2 died so then I had stripe 3-13 til they died and I haven't restocked with anything yet. My corys are Leo leopard and then zebra even though he has spots and lines lol can't really tell them apart too good though other than male to female.
I name my fish. Only because i have three. If i had 20, i wouldnt bother.
I named the ones who lived through an unknowing fish-in cycle. I name my bettas every time, as they are special in my heart, like angels to some some people. Fish with a long life cycle will be named, others will be loved but remain named by breed.

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