My Wife's Not So Idle Threat!

Dec 26, 2010
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Well, My wife is going through the emotional stage of her pregnancy and boy has it made an impact! ON MY FISH TANK!

Woke up this morning to a cloudy tank, not entirely sure why but i suspect my other half has put something in my tank.

I think its my wife as she wasn't best pleased when I got back from the boozer half cut and she thought that would be an appropriate time to have a rant and rave about my obession with my tanks.

She denies it of course so what can I say.

I've removed the fish, cuc, coral and currently have them in my mixing tub with a heater, pump and my halide.

Will test the tank later to see what the fap is going on. Bit worried about the life on my live rock being decimated but I guess i'll find out.

The tank was due a wc today which I have been putting off for the past 2 weeks so not sure if that could be a prob but i doubt it. Anyway i'll test the tank later and perform a large wc.

Fish and coral seem to be ok in the tub. The coral has all opened out and the fish seem fine.

Worrying thing is tho, I wasnt that bothered. I just simply removed everything from the tank into a tub and just left them too it!

Hopefully I can get them all back in tomorrow!

Just thinking about it. I might leave the fish and coral in the tub. Break the tank down and flog it on ebay to help raise funds for the upgrade. I could setup a seperate tub for the LR just incase it goes through a mini cycle.

It just means i'll be without a tank for a while! :grr:
That sounds like the nuke that went off in mine!! Well sounds like you caught it early, and you can fix it. My rock's life was absolutely destroyed, there were dead bristle worms, dead peanut worms, dead stars, all sorts! But through the ashes I still see the odd bristle worm, and the odd star, so if it survived on mine, I'm sure yours will too!
That sounds like the nuke that went off in mine!! Well sounds like you caught it early, and you can fix it. My rock's life was absolutely destroyed, there were dead bristle worms, dead peanut worms, dead stars, all sorts! But through the ashes I still see the odd bristle worm, and the odd star, so if it survived on mine, I'm sure yours will too!

As long as the fish and coral are ok then i'm happy tbh. Well as happy as i can be anyway! The LR will just re cycle [I hope] and the same for the substrate.

I'm just about to test it now so i'll post the results up later.

If the results are bad then the LR will go in a tub and the tank will go on ebay I think!
Emotional or not. I don't think your wife would try to nuke your tank if she knows how much it means to you.
Emotional or not. I don't think your wife would try to nuke your tank if she knows how much it means to you.

^ This, or atleast I'd hope she wouldn't!! I've had some emotional outbursts, but i'd never go that far!

Hope you manage to get it under control
hope it all tests good and i agree with uriel, i cant imagine your missus would put something in there
Agree woody!! Ur just paranoid! Lol :lol: hope it's all ok.

woody you sure that when you came back from the boozer half cut that you didnt pee in the tank :lol:

#105###! You might be right actually! I've been know to pee in some weird places (when I'm drunk!):lol: and my tank did need a top up!

Ph and kh are ok. Slight reading for phos. Nitrate has shot up. Nitrite reads zero but I do have a slight reading of ammonia.

SG is ok.

Was gonna treat the tank with some ammolock but there's no point as there's no livestock in there. I'll just the LR take care of it.

Still. Now the tanks relatively empty it wouldn't take much to let the LR re cycle if it has too then store it in a tub with heat and flow and get the blooming tank on fleabay!

How much could I put it up for with the stand etc etc do you think? If it's worth selling I might just be able to squeeze a good skimmer and Ext filter out the sale.
Maybe she decided to do a quick aquascape and swirled a load of crud in the sand. :S

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