My Two Boys

Miss Dib Dabs

Jun 19, 2005
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Behind the shadows
Finally have some pics of some of my bettas. :D Also have a before and after of Houdini, who shall be first methinks. Pics are urls to avoid probs for those on dial up. :)
Houdini after he'd first come home having been rescued from horrid conditions.
Houdini just last Sunday. Pic doesn't do him justice really. He's a stunner. :wub:
Ollie deciding that posing for the camera is really very tiring. :lol:
Teelie looking sweet as ever. Bless her. That blur to the side is one of the other 6 girls who live with her. :rolleyes:
Haven't got pics of the other girls as yet but am working on it. :shifty:
AHHHHH :crazy: The pics are HUGE. I can't see them there so huge and fuzzy could you minimize it alot so we can see it better?
:/ Odd, when I click on them they automatically reduce to page size only. I'll have another go at them.

Thank you, pictures were too big for me to comment on. Though I still maintain that I think Alan Ricman as Prof. Snape is uber hot. Every post from you means happy eye candy for me. Now if I can just convince someone to get a Worf avitar...I would put one myself, but I wuv my CiCi too much to replace her with Worf. :wub:
Yeah thats perfect size. :drool: :drool: What a cool looking fish and its neat how you got such a good pic while it was yawning. :drool: :drool:
Though I still maintain that I think Alan Ricman as Prof. Snape is uber hot. Every post from you means happy eye candy for me.
Heck yes, I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that :lol:. That man the sexiest voice ever.
Psst, if you like Alan Rickman and haven't seen it already, rent Dark Harbor. Just trust me on this one.

Houdini looks like he is doing sooo much better than when you first got him, great job helping him recover!

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