My Tank - The Latest

Black background I'll give a go - black gravel I'll leave though, i already have black sand and it wasn't cheap!!

Re the tetratec ex1200- how noisy are these things? I could always put it next to the cabinet as there is space between the tank and wall which isn't visible, I just wouldnt want it being too noisy!
youll not go far wrong with a TT ex1200... the only reason that they would get noisy is trapped air ( which easy pumps out) or blown motor.. of which TT coustomer services will replace free cos they are fab like that ( isnt a common fault) .. i have always chosen tetratec and would do again and again

shelagh x

ps.. the sand looks lovely, dont touch it :)
Some people say they can hear a slight hum when knelt at the side of it but all 3 of mine are silent. (maybe i am just deaf? lol) There is one running in my daughters room and she never complains about being able to hear anything. Like Shelagh says, unless there is air in the filter then it shouldn't really make a noise. Pressing the primer along with a quick shake usually expells any trapped air. :good:
Ok guys bit of a worry here....

Firstly I've just done a gravel vac - what an episode! I've never done this before so I'm sure I'll get the hang of it in time but I wanted to clean up some poo which had accumulated along the bottom and thought I'd give it a go. Anyone got any tips doing this? I found it really hard getting in all the bits with plants around etc, and also found getting the siphon started via the gravel vac method of pumping up an down virtually useless!

My bigger concerns are this - firstly since doing this I can only see 7 tetras! I checked the water that was coming out and couldn't see one, so I'm baffled! I really hope one hasn't been sucked away!

Secondly, I noticed one of my tetras looked swollen underneath, almost like some pics of pregnant fish I've seen on here! But since doing the gravel vac and I also changed some of the water at the same time, he's swimming around at the surface and doesn't look happy! The silvery belly they have is swollen on him and even though it's so hard to see with them being so small, it looks like a few scales underneath may be sticking out slightly?

Any help is really appreciated! I'm gutted as to where this other tetra may be and now one looks unwell!
Anyone??? The tetra who looked sick is now nowhere to be seen - really getting worried! He was swimming around near the top but I can't see him at all now...

Nitrite and ammonia both at 0....
Alex I can't help sorry. Try starting a new thread in emergencies with a title that describes what's happening (eg sick platty help) so people know it's urgent.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Unfortunately the sick neon has died, and the "missing" one has been found too.

It's really strange, I did notice one of them had a plump belly as described above- but if I'm honest I thought it was just because it might be female!

I know they can be fragile fish, it's just upsetting. Nitrites and ammonia have stayed at 0 every day since the fish have been in, and I've even done a 25% water change to ensure water quality.

I'll just have to put it down to things that happen from time to time and hope the others are ok! Out of interest, the only fish in there with a bit of attitude seem to be the gouramis, they couldn't have attacked them, could they?
I can't remember seeing dwarf gouramis talked about as bullies but don't keep them so don't take my word. As you say, the death is probably one of those unfortunate things - sorry to hear it though! Continue to keep a sharp eye on the rest of your fish and water stats just in case. Do post in emergencies if you need urgent help. Good luck!

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