My Tank So Far

that's a juwel 180?

if you got spare money you could invest in an external filter which are miles better and rip out the built in one. giving you more space :) also if you get a more powerfull one you can use it if you upgrade to a bigger tank :D

Forward thinking!!

ops also what is your stocking plan? A nice pleco and some Corry cats would love that sand!!
Will check out prices for external filter but not a priority at the moment :)

Not sure in which order but so far on the list of fish is:

Peppered cory
Clown plec
Tertra cardinal thingys
Probably a few guppies
Need to research yellow malawi as they look nice

Would love a pim pictus but I get the impression it probably eat the cardinals and anything else that size :(
Will check out prices for external filter but not a priority at the moment :)

Not sure in which order but so far on the list of fish is:

Peppered cory X 6-8 lovely fish
Clown plec GREAT CHOICE, I have one and he's so hardy Ima get 2 more
Tertra cardinal thingys LOL yes a shoal would look very pretty
Probably a few guppies - I wouldn't, but its your call, they breed a lot, they are also fairly weak most of the time
Need to research yellow malawi as they look nice - I know nothing about these just watch they don't eat your tetra, don't think to be honest it would work, either its a malawi tank or its not, if you get me
Tanks lookin lovely :good:

Would love a pim pictus but I get the impression it probably eat the cardinals and anything else that size :(
the yellow malawi you are talking i think is the electric yellow (Labidochromis caeruleus)

if so than they wont be suitable for a community tank. they must be put into a malwai tank with lots of caves and other african cichlids. even though they are considered the least aggressive of all malawi cichlids they still shouldn't be put into your aquarium.

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