Sf05, Mr Miagi>>> Thanks guys, for the support. Anyone wanting a shrimp-goby pair, I may be bi-ost but get them, so much fun!!
Time for a bit of an update.......
The new sumps been in for a while and we'er starting to see life heres a few>>>>
A little brissey in there I'm sur as Nav said ifyou see one you have about hundred you don't.
wormey thing in the sand (got to love MACRO mode on the digy cams!!)
Right had an Aptasia and I try everything on the little SOB as far as getting a hypo, but it came to that point todasy so >>>>>>
The green bit in the middle is where it use to be.
it was a big needle! well big!!
anywho's got myself a good chemisty set in the sale at the LFS>
so id every test going on the the tank and found that PO4 lev's were at 0.25..... Well somthing had to be done. so an Ebay later and got some PO4 remover. but me being me did not read the lable prop and in went 1/3 cup to the bag....BOOM.....white water........(lots of F's C's and B's) and dick dyas can to the rescue for £3 and some old hopse and silicon>>>>
one media reactor!
wool went in first and with-in 1 hour @ 400L/H it saw just about all gone! next time I'm going to rince the stuff inwater first!! ( not as bad as when I had the heater smash in the tank but just as stupid!!)
As the others go all is well the shrimp-goby have moved out of the firefish's hole and set-up-home in a new burrow that could only be the shrimps work (wish I'd been there to see it). and the skimmer needs a clean!>
Oh yer.... and I HATE photobucket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alot!