My Tank Setup, Dipped My Toe,

I really love your aquascaping. :) Have you had to use anything to secure the rocks together like that, especially the cave, or are they just freestanding?
All the rocks are free standing. The ones at the bottom are on the tank floor with sand to hold them in place. Then the others are wedged into place.

Tip>> When selecting LR go for bits that have knobs or forks at the ends and holes and notches in the sides this way you can put then together like a jig-saw.
Well after meny nights sitting with a camra ready the Goby 'n' Shrimp show opened with a fantastic show some of the snap shots are here for you with a cople of others I took in the mean time and right at the end click the link for a little 'treat' :nod:




These tree are of them in and out of the hole feeding.

This one I love :wub: Shrimpy is taking out the rubbish found in the hole. He does the same when a starfish tentical gets too close.

Finerly these are some of the good shots I got while waithing for the Goby 'n' shrimp show to start


Goby going for a BIG mouthfull. Supprising what size food particals that can eat in one!


This one of a blue leg HC carring his baloon, just having had is McDitritus.


This is a close up of the urchen (spelling) Love this pic aswell, so much so I have it as my backdrop. And its cool when its bigger.

Oh nearly forgot sorry if the link dosent work but a little film of my pulse coral doing what it does best!

Wow, stunning shots Matthew! Youve inspored me to start thinking about a pair whn my lion gets a new home! :p

I love that shot with his mouth open too, what a nice action shot. "Mc Detritus" , hehehhe! :lol:
Sf05, Mr Miagi>>> Thanks guys, for the support. Anyone wanting a shrimp-goby pair, I may be bi-ost but get them, so much fun!!

Time for a bit of an update.......

The new sumps been in for a while and we'er starting to see life heres a few>>>>

A little brissey in there I'm sur as Nav said ifyou see one you have about hundred you don't.


wormey thing in the sand (got to love MACRO mode on the digy cams!!)

Right had an Aptasia and I try everything on the little SOB as far as getting a hypo, but it came to that point todasy so >>>>>>

The green bit in the middle is where it use to be.
:sick: it was a big needle! well big!!

anywho's got myself a good chemisty set in the sale at the LFS>

so id every test going on the the tank and found that PO4 lev's were at 0.25..... Well somthing had to be done. so an Ebay later and got some PO4 remover. but me being me did not read the lable prop and in went 1/3 cup to the bag....BOOM.....white water........(lots of F's C's and B's) and dick dyas can to the rescue for £3 and some old hopse and silicon>>>>


one media reactor!

wool went in first and with-in 1 hour @ 400L/H it saw just about all gone! next time I'm going to rince the stuff inwater first!! ( not as bad as when I had the heater smash in the tank but just as stupid!!)
As the others go all is well the shrimp-goby have moved out of the firefish's hole and set-up-home in a new burrow that could only be the shrimps work (wish I'd been there to see it). and the skimmer needs a clean!>

Oh yer.... and I HATE photobucket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! alot!
Time for a update.

One of the firefish was not seen for a while then he was 'shot out of the hole one afternoon onto the sand don't know what went on?? Might be that other one killed him as thay have grown somewhat sins I bought them.

Anyway had some people over to stay and so the girlfriend wanted something to cove the sump. so a hack and a chop later and .........

We hav this, it does the job for now but you get the idea of what it will look like when finished.
Had a little move around with the LR

Also had my first Xina frag in the sump ready for somone. Ah! the actinice are now on a different timer and so.......

Also a close up of the trumpet that I broke into two smaller bits to cover a larger area

Thats in for now but pay day is just round the corner.
Tank looks amazing mate! Got brain ache reading this post, but very informative!!! I feel I have alot to learn! :sad:
As pay day came I did what I do best and went shopping for fish. the list is as follows:

1x Tridacna Derasa (Clam)
1x Actinodiscus sp. (Mushroom coral)
1x Gobiosoma oceanops (Neon Goby)
1X Strombus alatus (Fighting Conch)
4x RLHerms

Followed by the all important pictures..........




Couldn't get a pic of the conch because he went stright under the sand. However I do have some pictures of


The Xina frag in the sump waiting for a new home.


A baby tube worm with red crown.

This last onis of a baffle in the sump and where the silicon has set leaving a hole a worm now live there.

Finerly a full tank shot.

Did some more changing around sins photo, have a new hydro-meter and digi thermometer. Got 2 tank bread Clown fish on order from TMC through LFS
Still dosing to keep up with Ca and Alk 25ml a week with 1.7mls of the Mg too keep the ionic balance. Other than that all is well.
Man oh man what a week! well first had a baby boy 8 lb oz named Bailey Daniel

Came on the 1st July at 12:16. I'm the happyest man alive at the mo, but onto the fish.....

Got myself a pair of clowns


I'm realy likeing these guys so friendley the even are feeding from my hand!


There's my DIY phyto chamber got in going the other day with 50ml of phyto from the LFS 2l of fresh SW and 5ml of plant food a day and , well you can see how green it is now! I have it on a 16 light 8 dark cycle witch seems to be working

anyway Baileys just burped a load of milk over me so I'll be off now, might be a while befor my next post

all the best

Congrats Matthew on being a dad. Nice looking clowns but an even better looking son :good:
the tank looks awesome man. I just hope that if that colored stuff in the sand isn't cyano becuase my tank sand looked like that then the cyano went crazy but maybe I went wrong somewhere heh. looks great though and the baby is adorable. dave
The Actinodiscus sp. you bought look more to me like Rhodactis sp., just to be a pain in the a%* :lol:
The clam is looking a bit closed in those pics. Hows it going?

Congrats on becoming a dad too man! Thats awsome! Such a cutie! Lets hope he doesnt get his looks from his father! :lol: :lol:

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