My Tank Setup, Dipped My Toe,

Got a cople of nice close-ups of some of the clean up crew for you's


" I seem to have fallen and I can't get up "


" Hi, my names fred and I have a drink problem "


" Where did I leave that condom "

Well I've been off work for a few days and found myself at the LFS with a small wad... So as you can probley guess I got myself some more LR and this little gem.


Still can get a pic of my Hi-fin goby Stonogobiops xanthorhinica
Got a photo at-last of the Hi-Fin Goby he's a real delight to watch. at the mo he shares a hole with the to firefish but I think that he may have to move befor long. the fire fish keep nipping at him but he keeps on going back! Trying to now get a pistol shrip for him to pair with but the LFS only get them in once very 3 months or so.

Anyway here he is. I just love his grumpy little face. He's doing very well and eating loads Live fozen and flake.
Nice set-up Matthew! In that last pic of your whole set-up (pg. 3), isnt your fuge running a little high? Another Q, isnt the noise you experience from the bulkhead noisy?
Thanks Mr Miagi. :)

With regard to the water level in the sump; Ifyou can see the line drawn on it, when setting up the new sump I drained the tank to the bottom of the bulkhead then filled the water to the max line in the sump and started the return pump. So if the elecy goes the tank will only drain to the max line.

The noise from the bulkhead you can hear because of the glass cover on the tank one thing that does drive me a little crazy it the noise from the skimmer but when I get my finger out and put the doors on should be ok.
Ah, thanks for that info. I was wondering about the sump/fuge cause im designing one now, and im so confused with design, and I like yours. Nice work.
Well payday has come and gone and with it some more toys......

1X 55W PC actinic 8) (

2 med frags of Sinularia sp. (green finger)

and after surching high and low I got a Alpheus randalli of my Goby. And what da-ya know there straingt away best buddys and have made themselves a little hole in the sand under the rockwork.

So as a recap of what I've got so far:

40 UKG
20UKG sump
1700lph return
2x PH's 3700lph (combined)
200W Heater
3x 55w PC's (One white, one 50/50 and one actinic)
1x 24w PC over the sump
1x Seaclone 100 (the skimmer from hell!!!)

25Kgs LR

7x Turbos
6x RL herms
5x BL herms
1x Sand sifting star
1x Urchin
1xSabellastarte sp

2x N. Magnifica
1x Centropyge bispinosa
1x Stonogobiops xanthorhinica
1x Alpheus randalli

1x X.elongata
1x P. flexuosa
2x Sinularia sp.
1x Caulastrea curvata

So far so good I think. On my way to the big swedish flatpack shop tomorrow and I pass a big not so LFS on the A3 in Tolworth so watch this space.

Oh! I'll get some pic's up tommorow for you aswell.
The big sweedish fltapack shop? Ikea? LOL. Your tank has really come along! I want more pics! :hey: I love your stock list of fish! :blush:
well here we go>>>>>>

First its the Sinularia sp. (green finger)

got them both for £20 (think that was a mistake)

then the Caulastrea curvata thet I got today looks realy blue in the flesh pic dosen't do the colour justis.

This is the lighting upgrade I did. from 2x55W one white one 50/50 too 3x55W. I added a blue tube (actinic) to help the LPS because I'd read they like the light, however I read somewhere else that they done mind. Saying that the LFS told me aslong as it's at the top one 55W would have done!

well here it is anyway. To finish I've goit a full tank shot as of 21:30 (just befor lights out)

And thats it for now, couldn't gat a pic of the pistol shrimp he's hiding away at the moment but he's been hard at work moving lots of sand and he's built him and goby a nice little hole! Best thing I sore was the brittle star wander over at feeding time for the shrimp to come up the the hole enterance an grab one leg and moveit away from his dorr. great fun to watch. also notesed the goby has developed a neon blue shimmering line and dots on his dorsal fin.
Real impressive, and got me jealous cant wait to start myself over from the other side of the mountain(soon my pretties soon). Cant wait to see more pics as you add the fish. Your place has to be one of the few where youd have to wear 8) in the living room lol. Nice work on pairing the shrimp with the Goby, and nice pair of fires. An inspiration to me the heathern :p.

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