just another update. Things are going alright. Got back from vacation yesterday, and, for the first time, did not have a 3 hour clean up project. Guess the plants are doing their job.
fish wise, things are alright. The one gold ram is clearly the dominant one and is thriving. The other, not so much. It has lost some weight and hangs around the back a lot. Still eats well, but is probably a little stressed. I still can't tell what sex it is. The rainbow fish are doing well. 1 is clearly smaller than the others, but never gets picked on. The 4 big boys flare at each other, but no harm done. Recently, the shark has taken to lunging at them, but they just shrug it off and go about their business.
both tetra schools are doing well. No recent deaths and all have great color and appetite. Same with the otos. They were a great decision. Clown loaches continue to be skittish, but are obviously very healthy. Still eat like pigs.
Corys are still a mixed bag. I still have the 2 pandas and 1 remaining pepper. I picked up 6 Corydoras arcuatus. 2 died within a few weeks, but the others look good. They look somewhat similar to the pandas, but are apparently a little hardier. We'll see.
As far as plants go, its also mixed results. Valis is growing well, as are my swords. finally picked up some tiger lotus bulbs, and they are making progress. Some of my anubias are having an algae issue, and the otos aren't eating it. Perhaps they need to be moved to a shadier spot. My stem plants (ludwigia and Mexican oak leaves) are both too fragile and aren't doing well. The ludwigia wont stay red and grows leggy. I'll pull both once i find a suitable replacement.
I am starting my apartment hunt this week, so any major additions/re-scapes will happen when i move the tank to my new place. I bought a sweet piece of mopani wood and a bunch of grey river rocks to construct some more interesting caves (probably for the apistos i plan to get) but they won't go in until i move. Water quality is terrific.
anyways, here are some picks. Some aren't the best, but a few of my fish just wont sit still.