My Seneye Review

Who's had their seneye device long enough to change slides yet ? Notice anything unusual ?

How is everyone finding the pH measurement over the life of the slide (30 days) ? Notice any drift ? How does it compare to other pH tests you do ?
Had mine since November 2011. Be sure to soak new slide in tank water at least 24 hours. pH measurement started out shaky but is accurate now due to numerous software updates. Latest version available today.
Just installed 1.24. Didn't make any difference to my readings.

Seneye have agreed with my pH readings being wildly off and have asked me to change my slide, even though it's only been in my device for 6 days. They will send me a free replacement next time I order some more slides.
The guys at Seneye have always been great to me. They also gave me a free slide back when I was having problems with pH readings.
Yes, they've always been helpful for me too. The new slide has been soaking and it's due to go in the device this afternoon (after 24hrs). I'm expecting to see a step change in pH when it goes in as the current readings are too low. We'll see what it jumps to and I'll report back.
Just had a real problem with the new software download - on phone to my computer support people for over an hour. The problem is with Norton 360 5.0 where the Sonar element throws out programmes it decides it doesn't like. Finally got it going by turning Sonar partially off. Spoke to Matt at Seneye - very helpful as usual - he's on the case although he says it's impossible to speak to a real person at Norton! He's posting a message on Facebook about it.
Yes, they've always been helpful for me too. The new slide has been soaking and it's due to go in the device this afternoon (after 24hrs). I'm expecting to see a step change in pH when it goes in as the current readings are too low. We'll see what it jumps to and I'll report back.

Be sure to clean the 2 windows where the slide sits on with a cotton swab or soft cloth as algae or a film can accumulate and interfere with readings.
Just had a real problem with the new software download - on phone to my computer support people for over an hour. The problem is with Norton 360 5.0 where the Sonar element throws out programmes it decides it doesn't like. Finally got it going by turning Sonar partially off. Spoke to Matt at Seneye - very helpful as usual - he's on the case although he says it's impossible to speak to a real person at Norton! He's posting a message on Facebook about it.

Yeah my Norton 360 stopped my install too. Had to disable Norton until install finished. Norton does have great live online chat support though.
I have version 6.2 but hopefully this will work for you too. Turn Sonar back on. Uninstall Seneye. Right click on Norton Icon on Taskbar. Click Disable Virus Auto-Protect. Click OK. Reinstall Seneye. Right click Norton Icon. Click Enable Virus Auto-Protect.
New slide fitted and activated. Device windows cleaned prior to this - no dirt/film there really.

As expected, the new slide now says my pH is 8.03 which is about where the seneye said it was when the last new slide went in less than a week ago. The six day old slide said pH was 7.34. Quite a difference! We'll see what happens from here.

Previously, the seneye would constantly say my pH was falling, every few days I'd get a step change in pH at random times of the day, as much as 0.25 of a pH in one go. Test kits did not tally with what the seneye was telling me, hence their suggestion to change the slide. On the last slide, I ended up with a drop in pH of 0.9 over six days! There was no such drop in pH!

To top it all, seneye says my water is 8.03, test kits say 7.6 - 7.7. Which one is closest I've yet to be convinced about. Or perhaps they're both wrong!

I will keep you updated!
New slide fitted and activated. Device windows cleaned prior to this - no dirt/film there really.

As expected, the new slide now says my pH is 8.03 which is about where the seneye said it was when the last new slide went in less than a week ago. The six day old slide said pH was 7.34. Quite a difference! We'll see what happens from here.

Previously, the seneye would constantly say my pH was falling, every few days I'd get a step change in pH at random times of the day, as much as 0.25 of a pH in one go. Test kits did not tally with what the seneye was telling me, hence their suggestion to change the slide. On the last slide, I ended up with a drop in pH of 0.9 over six days! There was no such drop in pH!

To top it all, seneye says my water is 8.03, test kits say 7.6 - 7.7. Which one is closest I've yet to be convinced about. Or perhaps they're both wrong!

I will keep you updated!

I've found over 6 months that my seneye is totally accurate and I'm more inclined to believe the seneye than test kits, but I could be wrong. Your nodding picture is very disconcerting - no offence meant.
I've found over 6 months that my seneye is totally accurate and I'm more inclined to believe the seneye than test kits, but I could be wrong. Your nodding picture is very disconcerting - no offence meant.
If my aquarium wasn't such an established (4 years) one and wasn't so fastidiously maintained, I would tend to find the seneye readings more believable. However, having spoken with them they too agreed that something wasn't right. I'll reserve my judgement as to the performance of this slide over the next month. I had no reason to question the seneye on my first ever slide until I changed slides, where my seneye indicated pH changed from 7.3 to 8.2 - just by changing a slide! However, there have been a few software updates over the first slides life, and one directly after the last slide change too, so it's too early to make a proper judgement as there are too many factors/variables. Support has been excellent though, but I just can't trust what it's telling me at this stage.

What do you find disconcerting about the avatar ? (btw, it's head shaking rather than nodding :lol:). No offence taken. :look:

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