I done a water change today, and when i was sucking out the water, I also took some sand. when i replace the sand the tank will go cloudy again. Will this affect the fish etc in the tank if it is cloudy for a while?
Sorry it has been a while since i have last updated. but hereare a few photos of the tank now!!!
The first fish of the tank - Bert and Earnie
Here is Maggie the Watchman Goby - she doesnt like being cleaned by the cleaner shrimp and is still fighting him off all the time
My first ever coral. moves really nicely in the water flow. cant wait to get more to add colour to the tank.
Finally my most recent addition - a royal gramma (although i think it is more like a false gramma from doing a bit of research)
Full tank shot
Recently some green plant type thing has started growing from one of the rocks - anyone got any idea what it could be and is it ok to continue to grow?
Thanks seffie - I want one or mayb 2 more fish and some more coral. maybe even a star fish at some point but still not bored and just sitting there and watching all the fish. Especially the new false gramma. she is doing exactly what i wanted and swimming in and out of all the rocks.
Thanks simonas. The gramma is very bright and adds a lot of colour to the tank. Its very active at the moment and eats everything I give him. Just hope it doesnt become aggressive as it settles into the tank.
Still has not got a name tho. Ha