heres some pics of my new fish with my new camera
my royal gramma which is a good size about 3-4 inch
my 2 new Clowns, said I wouldn;t get anymore but these are a good size and very chunky, so much better and healthier looking than the ones I;ve had and failed with in past
My candy cane using macro function
my maze with Blenny
my shrimp I have two and theyre really active, I;m sure I can see eggs inside one of them
love the finger coral and riccordea
my blennys beautiful eyes
fulltank shot
my royal gramma which is a good size about 3-4 inch

my 2 new Clowns, said I wouldn;t get anymore but these are a good size and very chunky, so much better and healthier looking than the ones I;ve had and failed with in past

My candy cane using macro function

my maze with Blenny

my shrimp I have two and theyre really active, I;m sure I can see eggs inside one of them

love the finger coral and riccordea

my blennys beautiful eyes

fulltank shot