My Reef Pic's

Wow! That is nice :nod: I love it!!

How big is it?

Can i suggest that when you post pictures click on the img code and then paste that. Then the pics will show up on the page and we won't have to click on then idividually :good: make sure they're resized first :)
Some of the button corals above the white anemone are being shaded by the coral above it. They might have problems in the long run.
If the anemone is actually white then it has bleached and this is probably due to lack of light or excess nutrients at some stage in its life. They can capture zooxanthellae and colour up again but it takes time, especially if you have a skimmer on the tank. During this stage you should give it a bit of food every couple of days. Only provide it with small pieces and no more than what a clownfish will eat in a meal.
All up it looks good tho :)
that particular species of yellow-tail damsel (Chrysiptera parasema) is quite peaceful and can be kept in groups.

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