My Puddle

is that a type of mantis shrimp?


Yep it is :D

[font="Arial][/font][font="Arial]I'm taking out my query majano tonight. Even if it isn't a pest I don't know if I can take the risk. Acquired syringe and needle from work and I'm going to inject vinegar into it.

You're a vicious bunch over here.

I know nothing about the salty side, but loving this journal & its mystery inhabitants

Yes, we are vicious. We love keeeeeling the little pests.
SaltNoob said:
is that a type of mantis shrimp?


The general consensus is yes. Dont know what type though. I had thought the filter sucked him in as I haven't seen him in a while. Obviously not.

I am considering keeping in the tank and let grow to see what type and see how it behaves. Even as I type that I'm a bit nervous.

Oh and stu. Top of the food chain. Got thumbs.
stu40 said:
lljdma06 said:
Yes, we are vicious. We love keeeeeling the little pests.

I can be brutual.The other day i totally squashed a pest snail.
Xraymark said:
Oh and stu. Top of the food chain. Got thumbs.

Yea, for now.Keep your hands out of the tank
True. LOL.

Just caught up with this one!

Defo. not an aip - as to what it actually is then I agree with LLJ probably a majano but would like to see it a little larger.

Also a mantis.

If it were my tank I would keep one and get rid of the other - will let you guess which way round that is.....
Well, the majano is now sleeping with the fishes.
So I hope the mantis is a keeper. For now.

Edit: oh and hope you had a good holiday ainsy.
Thanks mate - back all refreshed and raring to go!

I'm strange (or so the voices in my head keep saying) I actually like majanos!

Having said that I also don't mind the mantis - It's just they tend to eat the other things I keep! Hmmn got me thinking about a little 'ol mantis tank now!
I'll need to keep an eye on my CUC and note any suspicious deaths. Must do a bit of research on compatible CUC, if there is such a thing.

I'm guessing my mantis is a smasher as its living in the live rock as opposed to a spearer.
Thanks mate - back all refreshed and raring to go!

I'm strange (or so the voices in my head keep saying) I actually like majanos!

Having said that I also don't mind the mantis - It's just they tend to eat the other things I keep! Hmmn got me thinking about a little 'ol mantis tank now!

You're not the only one. I'll zap an aiptasia no questions asked, but I'll leave a small group of majanos alone. :rolleyes: I got the ones that are kind of like zoas in appearance. I guess it's because the first thing I found alive in any of my tanks was a small majano anemone. I named him mojito. I'd like to think it's mojito's descendants that now live in my old 8g, so I don't want to kill them. I know, I pretend to be all brutal and go kill things, but deep down, I'm a softie.

I'm guessing my mantis is a smasher as its living in the live rock as opposed to a spearer.

Have you heard any clicking/popping sounds? Spearers are rare as hitchhikers, but smashers do make quite a bit of noise.
Have you heard any clicking/popping sounds? Spearers are rare as hitchhikers, but smashers do make quite a bit of noise.

Nothing definate.
Donya said:
Oh wait you had a shed bit of the arm right? That should have been the giveaway; I can't tell from the pic of it though because of the angle. Just a matter of whether there are lots of extra prongs.

I think the claw cast looks like a crab limb. I have another hitchhiker which I haven't seen yet. Just legs pulling in seaweed into the rock. I'm going start setting traps at night and try an I'd.

On another note is this a feather duster. Sorry poor image

it retracts with the flash from the camera.

My name is Mark and I've got clowns.

Tried to resist but the temptation was too much.

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