Serious Algae/Cyanobacteria Problem

Hi All,

My nitra-zorb and my new test kits came today. The results are below;

pH = 7.6
KH = 13 d
GH = 20 d
NH4 = 1 mg/l
NO2 = <0.01 mg/l
O2 = 8 mg/l
NO3 = 5 mg/l
PO4 = <0.02 mg/l
SiO2 = >6.0 mg/l
Fe = <0.02 mg/l
CO2 = 10 mg/l

My silicates are crazy high ! I have done some quick reading and they say that often they come from substrate in the tanks, but my tap water is also high. The description of the brown organics that they produce covering plants and substrate floor is exactly like what I get. Also the majority of my algae/cyano seems to come from around the base of the tank strongest.

What is the solution to this? Do I need to change my substrates? and is there a good addition to my filter you can recommend to combat this. I can't remember exactly what substrates I used, but they were a specific planting one that I put underneath my sand. All bought from my local fish shop, which is really good. How do I filter it out of my tap water, is there a way to do it without RO?

Are there any other things you notice in my water that is not good? Tap water measured NO3 as 10mg/l and SiO2 as >6 mg/l.

Also how exactly would I run a dilution test so I can see more accurately the SiO2 in my tanks?
Excuse my previous mistaken post. As a nube I am reluctant to advise, but as I mentioned in a previous post, I had a huge problem with brown ajgae in my tank, after some research I found that it was diatoms, because of very high Si02. I used SilicatEx to remove the silicate and Phosphorus, within a few days I could see the brown algae retreating. It took a couple of weeks to disappear from the tank, and has not reappeared.
Excuse my previous mistaken post. As a nube I am reluctant to advise, but as I mentioned in a previous post, I had a huge problem with brown ajgae in my tank, after some research I found that it was diatoms, because of very high Si02. I used SilicatEx to remove the silicate and Phosphorus, within a few days I could see the brown algae retreating. It took a couple of weeks to disappear from the tank, and has not reappeared.
Ahh I knew someone had mentioned SiO2 before but couldn’t find the post ! That looks really good thank you for posting ! How high were your levels and did your tap water have high levels ?
Henry you also have a measure of ammonia in your water too, that’s not good. What was the silicate level in your tap water?

Oddly your nitrate test is fine 10ppm in tap water is pretty normal. I wonder if your test was faulty?

I wouldn’t use the Nitra zorb at the moment, you don’t need it and your plants need between 10-20ppm nitrate for good growth really. Similarly 0.5-1ppm phosphate is very normal in aquaria.

You have no phosphate at all in your water which in my view is leading to the deformities/nutrient deficiencies in your plant growth.

6mg/l seems really high, I actually brought silicatex to use but didn’t in the end as my diatom issue sorted itself when the tank stabilised. Make sure you wash it really thoroughly as a lot of red particles come off it. Also don’t forget it removes phosphate as well!
Can you post some picks before you do your water change again this week.

Are you still doing daily changes? Are you noticing much new Algae growth.
Ahh I knew someone had mentioned SiO2 before but couldn’t find the post ! That looks really good thank you for posting ! How high were your levels and did your tap water have high levels ?
Yes I had 6 to 7ppm Silicates in my tap water, and it seems that brown algae I had, is diatoms, and are as a result of high silicates . The brown algae on my plants was slightly rough to the touch, rather than smooth and slimy. apparently this is a feature of diatoms, I'm not sure if this is the case in your tank.
SilicateEx in my filter takes both phosphorus and silicates from the water, I thought my plants might suffer without much po4, but they seem to be doing well, and of course are spotleslly clean now.
Yes I had 6 to 7ppm Silicates in my tap water, and it seems that brown algae I had, is diatoms, and are as a result of high silicates . The brown algae on my plants was slightly rough to the touch, rather than smooth and slimy. apparently this is a feature of diatoms, I'm not sure if this is the case in your tank.
SilicateEx in my filter takes both phosphorus and silicates from the water, I thought my plants might suffer without much po4, but they seem to be doing well, and of course are spotleslly clean now.
If it’s in your tap water did you filter it beforehand with silicatex or just put some into the filter ? And have you still got it in there ?
Henry you also have a measure of ammonia in your water too, that’s not good. What was the silicate level in your tap water?

Oddly your nitrate test is fine 10ppm in tap water is pretty normal. I wonder if your test was faulty?

I wouldn’t use the Nitra zorb at the moment, you don’t need it and your plants need between 10-20ppm nitrate for good growth really. Similarly 0.5-1ppm phosphate is very normal in aquaria.

You have no phosphate at all in your water which in my view is leading to the deformities/nutrient deficiencies in your plant growth.

6mg/l seems really high, I actually brought silicatex to use but didn’t in the end as my diatom issue sorted itself when the tank stabilised. Make sure you wash it really thoroughly as a lot of red particles come off it. Also don’t forget it removes phosphate as well!

It was also reading over 6mg/l in my tap water. Yeah I was concerned about the ammonia as I’ve never had a problem with it before! I’ll do another test today and see what it’s like.

yes I’m still doing daily 60-70% water changes and cleaning the tank. there is cyano regrowing on lots of the plants, woods and rocks. Also the brown algea from high SiO2. I will post some photos again later for you.

can you get a specific phosphate additive to boost the level in my tank ?
If it’s in your tap water did you filter it beforehand with silicatex or just put some into the filter ? And have you still got it in there ?

It was also reading over 6mg/l in my tap water. Yeah I was concerned about the ammonia as I’ve never had a problem with it before! I’ll do another test today and see what it’s like.

yes I’m still doing daily 60-70% water changes and cleaning the tank. there is cyano regrowing on lots of the plants, woods and rocks. Also the brown algea from high SiO2. I will post some photos again later for you.

can you get a specific phosphate additive to boost the level in my tank ?

Brown algae and diatoms are two different things. The ammonia in the water wont assist matters and regularly you get algae and diatom outbreaks when there is ammonia or residual waste from decomposition of plant and animal matter. Could you send a video if you are able showing the water movement round the tank and pics before and after your cleaning regime.

If you can I would try to remove the silicates before you add your fresh tap water to the tank, if you cant then you will need to replace the water then leave the tank to allow the silicatex to work.
If it’s in your tap water did you filter it beforehand with silicatex or just put some into the filter ? And have you still got it in there ?

Yes I put a bag of it in my canister filter. And it is still there, working away. Not sure how long it will last, but "SilicatEx Rapid" is supposed to bind up to 30,000 mg of Si02 before it is depleted. That should last me a few months. If I test over 1 or 2ppm, then I will get another bag.
Had a bit of a panic at first, as I didn't rinse the bag enough before putting it in the filter, and the water turned brown. But it cleared up in a couple of hours, and did no harm.
Brown algae and diatoms are two different things. The ammonia in the water wont assist matters and regularly you get algae and diatom outbreaks when there is ammonia or residual waste from decomposition of plant and animal matter. Could you send a video if you are able showing the water movement round the tank and pics before and after your cleaning regime.

If you can I would try to remove the silicates before you add your fresh tap water to the tank, if you cant then you will need to replace the water then leave the tank to allow the silicatex to work.


Today I have got a silicate remover and put it into my filter for the tap water and also some into my filter.

My water parameters today are;

Ammonia = <0.05 (tested at work at 0.229mg/l)
Nitrite = 0.055mg/l (tested at work)
Nitrate = 1 (tested at work at 5.6mg/l)
Phosphate = <0.02mg/l

I have taken a video but it won't let me upload it on here, I can send it to you somehow if you like?

Photos of tanks before clean below;

Photos after clean;




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Your new growth is looking good. Are you still dosing ferts? Your big anubis that is directly under the light will probably be getting a bit too much light there, wouldnt be surprised if you get a bit of green spot on it. I would probably move it to the darker side or give it a bit of cover from the frog bit. .
If your still having that problem,I posted that Ultralife bluegreen slime remover works they tell me. SO does Erythromycin,but THAT is an antibiotic.
since this thread was revived, and I just spent the past bit reading through it, I'm now curious how it all went down. @Henry.ager , did your algae/cyano problem resolve?
Have you tried a short cycle of Methylene Blue? I find its the best thing for destroying a bad algae invasion> Ofc it is capable of serious damage if not removed with a large water change but its honestly great for these types of situations.
My aquarium..its flourished since treatment. I didn't even know that the cyano was interfering with even plants free of it. Since removal of the cyano..all plants have put on a growth spurt, deeper green too.
I would consider cyano a "disease of the aquarium water" you didn't do anything wrong,not your fault and conditions without even a change,can go back to thriving. Just do your best to not re introduce it. Do not buy anything from a dealers tank that has even one spot of it.

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