My Planted Community Tank

runescape is really dumb and i never play it. nobody will answer my question

please somebody answer my question about the algae and tell me why it wont stop!!
Do you have a picture of the entire tank? It would be good if we could see exactly how heavily planted your tank is. If your nitrates are really 0, which I doubt, then you will need to dose nitrates to the tank to help the plants grow, and in turn defeat the algae. Did you test for phosphates?
i dont test for phosphates and i do have a full tank shot but i cant load it for some weird reason. the gourami died he was old anyway... :rip: i have been stopping the dosing of the plant fertilizer and the algae has been slowin down but it is still comin. Maybe i should get rid of some fish?i have about 10 now(4 neons added ) they are mostly all small fish under 1 inch . only 4 are above 1 inch
Load it like you did with the rams. The reason I asked is because if you have too much phosphates without enough plants, then it will cause algae.
The algae is starting to slow down a lot. I am setting up a 10g quarantine/breeder tank i have no fish to quarantine right now so i am goin to try to breed a gourami and maybe buy some more of those shrimp and try to get them to reproduce(cherry fire shrimp)
i cant get it to load it says "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension."
Nevermind about that algae problem thing, i got it under control. my shrimp molted yesterday :D the molt was really weird lookin. im going to sell 1 dwarf gourami and the rainbow and maybe get some more neons. if i could get any other tetra (if i sold the neons)what would it be. Any suggestions anyone?
Any tetra? Years ago I had penguin tetras and really liked them. They stay near the top.

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