My Orange Lasers....

Sounds like are greens are from the same batch. They are small compared to my mature orange lasers, but they are larger than the batch of orange laser juvenile that I got at the same time.

It well be. I was surprised and wonder that people actually catch these small Corydoras at wild and sell them. But I guess they do since they charge by the number and not the weight. Especially the C.Similis I got at the same time was so small. They were about 1/2"TL and haven't grow much either. Maybe 1/2"SL now. It's gonna be a long wait before they become adults. :rolleyes:

I don't know if it will hold true with the lasers but at least with the Paleatus in my experience the males were ready to spawn at a much younger age than the females. So maybe you won't have to wait to long for yours to grow up.

I don't know either how big the Green Laser get but I imagine they should become same size as Orange. So I think they have some more grow up to do.

Have you tried playing with the temperature in the tank at all? My tanks tend to stay around 78-80 most of the time but if I use a small 4 inch desktop fan blowing down at the top of the tank I can drop the temp down to 72-74. The greens are simply going crazy at this temp.

Not much except when I do the water change. I usually use coldest I can get out of my tap. So far I am keeping them in unheated tank so after the Summer is over here, it is around low 70's. May even dip to high 60's at night. I may pop in the heater soon so it won't go too low 60's. I kept my Panda without heater last year and I think Orange or Green should handle more wide range of water but I probably limit to above 70F. I know it is gonna be a bigger heat bill this year(more tanks and more warm water fish). :shout:
You know, the Orange or Green or Red or Gold whatever the Laser there are not much specific water parameter info available online it seems. They usually just include them in the C.Aenues. Maybe it is available if I can afford to pay to join the one web site. But money is tight and haven't done that.

I think I'm going to bite the bullet and do what I have to do to get the orange's out of the tank they're in and move them to the spawning closet. I know the orange females are mature enough.

That is kind of funny that I am thinking the opposite. Putting more stuffs/things in their tank. And take them out after I get the first spawn. Right now, they are in simple minimal spawning type set up.

What foods are you feeding yours?

I do feed many variety of dry food(flakes to pellets) mainly. All my fish get them. Since I put all the dry food in the pepper grinder(which I bought at thrift store and washed few times before use, I have been using them for years). Since I got some big pellets I end up at the Aquarium Society auction. I think I even have some Marine food and some Big C*chlids food. So just grind them up and feed them. So whatever they like, they eat. I don't think they leave much anyway, but if they do. I am pretty sure it get cleaned when I do vacuum. And I should use more frozen food and some live(I know it is always the debate of risk and reward when it comes to the alive food). But I think it is Natural for them to eat live food after all that is what they eat in the Nature. I just try the food to be clean and come from clean place as best as I can.
I do have few live cultures as walterworms/gringel worms/whiteworms/vinegar eels and I think blackworms in the tub outside. I think I have some Daphinia in more warmer season.
Anyway, I try to feed some live food few times a week. Especially the fish I want them to spawn.
And I think I will start using BBS soon that I got one of the tank hatching kind. And they should get here in few days.

So I went one of the store yesterday. And look what they have and also how is the C.Melanotaenia I sold them doing. And hoping they sold it already so I can sell them more. But it seems they are still there. Then again, they haven't marked it in the tank, no name no price. That makes even tough to sell I am sure. Anyway, talk to the woman there and we agree on that I will bring some Cherry Red Shrimps in. So that was good.
And I was really attempt to get the group of C.Raubuti but I didn't since I didn't know much about, beside they just came in.
But it was attempting since 2 was big females(I assume) and some of the the other 4 was paying some attention to them now and then. So that would be perfect ratio(2 females and 4 males) and they look to be adult size. Also saw the tiny C.Melini. Anyway, came home do some research and find that there is of course some similar species C.Zigatus(sp) also find that C.Raubuti may tough to breed. I might have to ask around if anyone bred and kept successfully first.
I may have to bring them home when I go there next week with shrimps. :shifty: And I know the credit from the shrimps would cover. Just I need to have quarantine tank and think about where they will fit after that.
The laser/neon stripes are not really C. aeneus. I think they are waiting to be given a proper designation. But I believe they are now not considered to be C, aeneus.
The laser/neon stripes are not really C. aeneus. I think they are waiting to be given a proper designation. But I believe they are now not considered to be C, aeneus.

Well, whatever the family they belong whatever the name they will be given. They are making CRAZY. All the dance all the time but not even a single eggs.
As I mentioned, I covered 2/3 of the front glass(which happened to be the shorter side of the tank as the tank is set that way at the bottom of shelf) from the bottom with some paper so my legs and feet does not disturb them when I come to sit on the couch or stand up.
Anyway, but I still see them every few second they go near the surface swimming crazy. Sometime 1, sometime 4 or all 6.
But I don't see the typical tickling of head or nozzling of belly. So I think either the 6th one I got and thought and hoped is not really the male nor he/she is not adequate or need competition. Or he get confused and side tracked by all the round and ready females.
In any case, I probably need few more males. Because they sure do swim crazy like pre-spawning high active swimming I saw with the female Sterbai and Panda. And I think the female must be releasing the scent and signals, judging from the crazy swim.

I probably pay a visit to another store I haven't been for a while. I think I need 7th(better be male), 8th and maybe more.
In a way this is good that I got them from 2 different store in 3 different occasion. Which give me more chance of having them from different gene group and batches. And so far, I could match them even if I get them in separate occasion. Well that is of course, until they find the similar Corydoras as Orange Laser. If they find something as close as C.Julli and C.Trineatus, I have no chance of telling them apart. :blink:

I guess I look for more mature males next week. It seems I am always looking for good husband(s) for some of my fish. :rolleyes:
Few days ago, I notice the stand made out of 2x4 is sort of wet. And thought I need to tore it down and reseal it. Finally today I did emptied out and have to find the temporary home for the residents. There were 5 C.Duplicareus who spend their time in the back behind the sponge and 5 small C.Panda. Panda I just placed them in the tank with comparable sized frys of C.Oiapoquensis and Sterbai.
I was not so crazy about but I had to place the C.Duplicareus with the tank of Orange Lazer. Since it is only 10G and 6Laser is good size and 5 Duplicareus is almost the breeding size also. I was thinking about this living arrangement for temporary till fix the tank with appeared slow leaker.
Now I am not so sure when I shoud or if I should remove the C.Duplicareus again. Because it seems both parties involve this new living arrangement seems extremely happy. Although I will not them to be too happy to the point to create the hybrid but now that shy quiet sitting back wall C.Duplicareus are dancing in the middle top water. Of course, without saying the Orange Laser are dancing also.
And I know one of the 5 Duplicareus is female judging from the size and shape. If the other little smaller and slim males would chase her, I would be happy. I just hope they would stick to their group.

So who knows I may have to change this thread for C.Duplicareus instead of Orange Laser.

BTW, I got some eggs from Gold Rame on Tuesday. For first time ever from the C*chlid. However the eggs got recycled today unfortunately. So never saw any hatch. But I was not sure the eggs were any good either since it seems never develop any color. Beside I kind of figure it takes few spawn since they are still the size of big fat female Glowlight tetras. And I tried to be not too excited about. Since I might disappoint when they don't hatch. And I know they usually make eggs regularly once they start. So I'll see how they do. They probably get few more try before I will pull their eggs.
So I decide to go to store and see what they have. As usual I check all the tanks. And I came to the tank which suppose to have Orange Laser and look carefully since there are big chunk of Java Moss in the middle of tank. And I see the Orange Laser under the moss, actually 2 of them. And I think those the same 2 I saw in the tank month ago. And they do not look to have cramped fins but I don't see them come out and go around either. Anyway, so I ask the girl to flash them out so I can see them.
And as I suspect they are the only 2 Orange Laser they have. And it looks like same male I didn't buy last time I was there but his color was much better. And I know they survived in the shop tank for more than a month probably 2. So I decide to give him a shot.
And what do I do about the other one. Do I leave her there because I have enough females and only need males. I just couldn't leave her there all alone. So I came home with both. In the perfect world, I came home with 2 males but I think I got one of each.

So I now have 8 of them and most likely 2 males and 6 females. Although the 2 new ones should be clean since they have been in the same shop tank for long and I didn't see any dead or sick looking fish in the same tank. But I will keep them in the quarantine tank with the Cardinal Tetras I bought few days ago for now. And I will introduce them to the rest of group in a week or 2.

And not long after I release to their new temporary home, they went straight to bury their snout in the sands. So I think they should be happy with their friends once they move to the other tank. And hopefully the 2 males can do the job. :good:
I wish I got some eggs from them. But NO. They still produce nothing, unfortunately. The female is still round and heavy and I think I got 2 males but no action.
My Female has her spot next to a rock, with shade. Whenever one of the males swims up to her she turns around and chases them away a bout 3cm then goes back to her spot. Weird?? anyone else experienced similar behaviour?

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