My Old Tank And The New Tank I

looks fantastic. I'd love to have a big tank in the lounge, I;d have to get rid of the wife for that!!!
The bichirs will be fine with the Gourami. Mine didn;t bother each other in the slightest.I;d have a big fire eel in there my favourite fish!!
fire eel whould be ace simonas but trying to find a big fire eel is the problem ps i did think about geting rid of the wife but she whould beat the cr*p out of me :-(
fire eel whould be ace simonas but trying to find a big fire eel is the problem ps i did think about geting rid of the wife but she whould beat the cr*p out of me :-(

I had a 21" one it was possibly the best fish I ever had and out the blue it got a huuge lump on the side of its head and died. I was gutted!!
fire eel whould be ace simonas but trying to find a big fire eel is the problem ps i did think about geting rid of the wife but she whould beat the cr*p out of me :-(

I had a 21" one it was possibly the best fish I ever had and out the blue it got a huuge lump on the side of its head and died. I was gutted!!
do the yellows and reds faid as thay get biger or do thay keep the striking colours thay have as lil eels
its always a blow when ya you loose a favorit fish and its out of your hands :sad: ihave read thay can get up 39inch .is that wild ones only cheers
hi flag the gg is top of my list to get at the mo . i have intrest from a mate to take sum fish of me to free up a bit of roome for it. my 2 ornates are about 15 inches long now .dont know if thay will be ok whith a gg and i will put up a few pics as soon as i charge up the camra :)

oh shroob er 5,9 last time i had my hight taken :good:
The GG will do fine with your bichirs. I had plenty of GG in the past with polys with no problems. The only fish in my experience that gave my GG a hard time were mean C.A Cichlids. The GG soon took care of himself but left my silverdollars alone, and polypterus. I have a fire eel. I had a 33'' one that had the same color as when I get him at 5''. It depends on what they are feeding on.

You need to lose the turlte though, ruins the tank IMO. If it were me i'd lose the sharks also and get another form of shoaling fish.
love it that looks fab!!!

disagree about the turtle :lol: :lol: I think he looks cool

not sure about the silver sharks they are nice but I personally perefer large silver dollars.

How bout a flagtail, or a large fire eel.

I like the big cat what type is he?
turtle just visit the tank from time to time a tank like this is not sutible for them thay have a home of their own . the sharks are my favorit and i have nursed them to health from a shocking state that i found them in at a lfs thay had been returned by a keeper and wer bound for a bad end till mugings saw them :rolleyes:

thanks simonas have no id on the cat so any id whould be great .im still on the hunt for a gg localy so dont wana add more fish at the mo :good:
As nice a fish as silver sharks are, i just feel that a tank this size is wasted on them. Out of the hundreds of both fascinating and wonderfull fish to keep silver sharks are way down the bottom on the list in IMO. As Simon says, a big shoal of silver dollars, not even the biggest species, a bigger shoal of the ones that max out at 3-4" (name escapes me) would look ace.

I'm going to go into my own little dream world about what i'd keep in there now :drool: I won't spam the page with the list :shout:
its a fair point Verminator89 i could have smaller fish in a bigger shoal but the sharks have grown since i got them. so i just got bigger tanks to home them in as thay got bigger. a shoal of 6 at this size ie 8-11 inches looks great under a bluemoon tube i have toyed whith the idear of taking them to the lfs a few times but just know that thay whould only end up being sold in 1s and 2s when thay need to be in groups of 4 or more also thay whould probly end up in a tank to small for them :rolleyes:
Looks good. The catfish is a channel catfish.

Looks different to the channel cats you used to see a lot of sale 15 yrs ago or so. The barbels are a lot shorter and the body shape looks stumpier to me. I used to have a lovely albino one as a kid it was an ace fish but at the age of 15 I didn't appreciate a 15" fish was to big for a 48" tank

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