My Old Tank And The New Tank I

i agree simonas i dont think ist a channel cat i was lead to think channel cat get bigger than this fella i got. he has been 15/16 inches since i had him 6+ years now :good:
hi all thaks chaps .its not as big as you might think is 7x3x3.3 no sted i had it made but did do the stand myself as for stock well it has 6 x bala shark 2x Polypterus ornatipinnis 2x oscar 1 x plec and a cat no id,
running on 2x fx5 and 2 1ooo ltr ph powerheads 2x300 watt tronic heaters and a sump of 6x2x1.5 will be added later on this year if all goes to plan :)

Thats how big :nod:
must say i agree with verminator , in that im not a fan of bala sharks , but its your tank and your choice , plus having nursed them back to health from a poor state you must have built up an extra affection for em , so more power to ya mate :good::good:

gotta say i love the way youve scaped it , along with that lighting it gives the whole tank a real sense of atmosphere ( if that makes sense lol ) . great job all round.

if you dont mind me asking , who built the tank?
thanks mark always nice to get good feedback and the tank was made by n&d and thay did a good clean job nice guys thay get my vote :nod:
Chuffin 'Ell! how you getting in and out of the room? Through the window(s)?? haha. :blink:

That was a nice tank you had.. clearly a goldfish bowl compared to this one, haha! Looks ace :fun:
ND Aquatics tank is that you say?

If so what do you make of it? A few people on here have bought from them and love them, but not the hood. I'm currently on week5 of my 6-8 week wait for my ND Aquatics Custom tank :) Without a hood i might add
n&d are spot on cant fault the tank Verminator89 im shure you will be pleased whith the tank. and yup its a ozzy snake neck turtle tho it is only visiting he has his owen tank. this tank isnt sutible for him to live in but it dose offer him room to swimm about and be trunky .very noesy lil fella that he is :good:
Fantastic. I actually got a call from ND Aquatics yesterday about delivery of mine, call back time.

I'll be keeping tabs on this thread to see how it progresses for sure.
a few pics of the fish








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