My Old Tank And The New Tank I

lovely pics

the silver sharks are very impressive and I love that cat!!
thanks simonas thats why im so smiten whith them . oh by the way what typ of hound do you have in your arms in your avarta pic? im guesing its one of the big loves in your life :nod:
its my Basset Hound Flash!! I love him to bits but getting grief from the wife abot him as he smells the house a bit
we have the same problem simonas . so ikeep telling the wife if she stuck the kids in the tubb more often thay whouldnt smell as much :rolleyes:
ha ha mine are bath dodgers as well there hands always tsink it drives me nuts!!!
not checked this thread for a while , was hoping there would be some new pics , and you didnt dissapoint :lol: i know i said in a previous reply that im not a lover of balas ( big ones that is ) , i think they are much like silver dollars in that i like the look of them when small , but they seem to change somehow once they get biger. but those are in lovelycondition , and actually look real nice, epsecially given that you got them in bad health. great job. in fact all your fish look great , you can see they are obviously well cared for :good:

those big rocks aranged kinda stonehenge like look great. how did you find it scaping this beast? it can be tricky reaching certain areas of my 4x2x2 sometimes and im 6 ft tall , so must of been fun in a 7x3x3 :hyper:
cheers mark .scaping wasnt to bad i just got in and a mate of mine stood on a stepladder and past the sand rocks and all over to me. biggest pain was washing 100kg of time is not to bad i got a clear 3ft 12mm tube to vac over the sand when waterchangin (60-100gals every 3-4 weeks)and i got a childs garden rake to keep the sand turned over :)

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