My Old Tank And The New Tank I

Destination Doha

Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2010
Reaction score
the old one now gone


and the new

wow thats one amazing tank. what size is it? what do u intend to have in it? have u made it yourself?
Oh wow this is big. Stocking stocking stocking plans. Now....

Come on input :p
hi all thaks chaps .its not as big as you might think is 7x3x3.3 no sted i had it made but did do the stand myself as for stock well it has 6 x bala shark 2x Polypterus ornatipinnis 2x oscar 1 x plec and a cat no id,
running on 2x fx5 and 2 1ooo ltr ph powerheads 2x300 watt tronic heaters and a sump of 6x2x1.5 will be added later on this year if all goes to plan :)
Haha You look like a small child sitting in there! that tank is huge! you should start a journal
Great tank. Can't wait for pictures of it set up.

EDIT: How tall are you out of interest :p
hi all thaks chaps .its not as big as you might think is 7x3x3.3 no sted i had it made but did do the stand myself as for stock well it has 6 x bala shark 2x Polypterus ornatipinnis 2x oscar 1 x plec and a cat no id,
running on 2x fx5 and 2 1ooo ltr ph powerheads 2x300 watt tronic heaters and a sump of 6x2x1.5 will be added later on this year if all goes to plan :)
WOW! Your tank looks awesome!!! I have a polypterus aswell, but its a delhezi. My favorite poly then my 2nd favorite is ornate. Post a pic of the cat and I may be able to id him for you. Are you still get a GG?? If you ever have alage problems, you should get a flagtail prochilidulis. Those are really neat.
hi flag the gg is top of my list to get at the mo . i have intrest from a mate to take sum fish of me to free up a bit of roome for it. my 2 ornates are about 15 inches long now .dont know if thay will be ok whith a gg and i will put up a few pics as soon as i charge up the camra :)

oh shroob er 5,9 last time i had my hight taken :good:
Holy crap that is big. Did you have to add extra floor support????? Interested to see how it turns out. Please post more as you progress.
Holy crap that is big. Did you have to add extra floor support????? Interested to see how it turns out. Please post more as you progress.
when we wer looking for our new house it had to have concreat floors
also is it ok to post vid clips as my camra is crap only 5 meg :no:

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