You are going to want about another 10kg of live rock.
No you dont need to wait to add the CUC.
You are going to want some of the following:
Hermit Crabs (Blue legs, Scarlet, Halloween etc.)
Snails (Turbos, Nass, Cerith etc.)
Starfish (Brittle, Sand sifting)
Shrimp (Cleaner, Blood etc.)
And maybe an Urchin and Reef Lobster.
A UV isnt required for tangs. I dont use one. UVs have both advantages and disadvantages.
Thanks for the reply mate. What setup do you run out of curiosity?
I have a 60g reef tank atm, Stocking is:
Pair of wc Perc Clownfish
1 Yellow Tang
1 Regal Tang
1 Humbug Damsel
1 Randalls Goby
and am waiting for my lfs to aquire me a Potters Angelfish and a Tailspot Wrasse (no date as yet)
1 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
1 Pink Brittle Star
1 Red n White Banded Star
1 True Turbo Snail
1 Scarlet Hermit Crab
1 Blue Leg Hermit Crab
2 Cerith Snails
3 Nass Snails
1 Toadstool leather
1 Duncan colony (5 heads)
1 Hammer (6 heads)
1 Green buttons colony
1 Purple mushroom colony (about 10-15 mushys)
1 Blue mushroom colony (2 mushys)
2 Waving hand colonys
My system has been running about 18 months now. I do a water change every month (change 25l sometimes 50l). Run under T5 blubs. Turnover is 6500lph via 4 pumps. It has 35kg-40kg of live rock n has a sand bed about 6cm deep and also run a skimmer too. Only problem i have had with it was a broken heater around xmas, resulting in a few deaths (Temp dropped from 26 to 12 must have been like that for a couple of days at least). I dont have a UV unit neither.
EDIT: Will be uping the snails hopefully soon. Am also on the look out for a Blue Tuxedo Urchin.
Thanks for that mate. Its good to see a setup for a tank similar size to mine for idea's etc.. I will ditch the external soon enough then. Just going to use it to clear some of the bits floating around the tank and to disturb the water surface for the live rock. One of my wavemakers packed in so only got one running at the moment.
Can i ask which pumps you are using? i have been looking to pick some new ones up.
I use two koralias, a external fillter that does 1200lph (dont think that there is any media in it but may have bio balls), and one that came with the tank.
I would only have one pair of clowns.
Some stocking ideas for you to have a look at:
Dwarf Angelfish (coral beauty, bicolor, eibli, flame, cherub, pearlscale to name a few)
Grammas (royal or blackcap)
If you are doin FOWLR Butterflyfish (threadfin, burgess, bluestripe, kleins)
Wrasse (too many to list so fairys, flashers, six lines etc)
Chromis (Blue or Green)
Blennys (algae, midas, bicolor, redspotted)
Gobies (orangespotted, randalls, pinkspotted, chalk etc)
Dartfish (purple firefish, red firefish)