My Nine Day Old Pit Bull!

Anyone who saw those pics would never picture pit bulls as savage animal again. It's just how they're trained that's the problem. :) :kewlpics:
Ohhh she's so lovely atti! You must be so thrilled she's joined your family!
Thanks guys! I'm watching her chase her little tail now. She's splendid. I was really worried about Teddy getting moody or something as he is our youngest and he's never been anything but my baby before. Ruca and Dylan are technically my sister's dogs, but a dog pack works differently than human-canine ownership. Teddy is really good with her. She follows me everywhere. We have only had one accident (on the carpet, of course), but it is three in the morning and she's done pretty well besides that. She's excellent in her crate, too. I've never had a puppy so cool about being in the crate. Theodore was a hellion when I tried to crate train him. She goes right on in and even seems to enjoy it already.

She's certainly a chunk, though. She's got big feet and and a big head and I would not have her any other way. She's perfect.

Supraman said:
Awe she is so cute! Congrats man a little envious I have always wanted a female pit bull. Everyone gives put bulls a bad name and says they are mean dogs when in reality they can be just as nice and caring as black lab or even smaller dogs. People tend to use pit bulls and train them to be aggressive ( and that's actually how they got their name, they were a fighting dog ) .
I never got a chance to say this on your betta post as it got closed, but I'm sorry to hear that pistol had passed away, and I really don't think this was in anyway your fault and hope you get another betta soon. Life is a learning experience and as long as you learned something from pistol then it was not in vein :) remember never give up and always look towards the future as it holds many happy moments :)
Beautiful dog and congrats!
Thanks, Supraman, but you are preaching to the choir on that first note. I am well aware of the reputation these dogs have and the unnecessarily harsh reaction people have to them. Ruca is ten years old. I was walking her in front of the public library one day and a woman on the other side of the sidewalk (we are on left, she's on right) saw us and ran up the stairs into the library. She had to be seventy years old. I've also had people tell me that I'm not a good pit bull owner because I don't crop ears, dock tails, or keep the dog in a 6x4 wire cage outside all day long. My dogs deserve better than that.

What people fail to understand is that the pit bull is used for dog fighting because of the dogs' inherent ability to be unwaveringly loyal. You raise a pup up from birth, he'll think you hung the moon. You fight him, he'll still expect you to care for him, so he'll still be gentle to his owner. They take direction very well, which means they make excellent therapy dogs, not fighters. Their loose neck skin and powerful jaws make them physically good fighters, but this also means that they are excellent at bringing down dangerous game, criminals, or just a rousing game of tug-of-war. If a man walks into the middle of a fighting ring, if he's done his "job" right, the dogs will back off. Pit bulls really make terrible dog fighters. Naturally, because they are canines) they love other dogs. It is just important for socialization. They love people and they love to please. It is this desire to do well which helps them in the pits. Their determination and tenacity is second to none, thanks to their English bulldog genes, which again helps them in the ring but is more suited to agility training, puzzles, and good task training. They just have too much mastiff in them for them to be mean. The bull mastiff is a naturally gentle giant, good with kids, babies, cats, horses, and dogs. Pit bulls have this same gentle spirit about them. If people would meet a pit bull, they would change their minds.

And thanks about Pistol. It broke my heart, what happened to him, but I'm glad that I even got him. I'm feeling much better, even though I'm still very reluctant to muck around in his tank.

I really like your attitude towards things and respect how much you truely know about dogs, your new pup will have an awesome owner and grow to be a great companion.

As for the tank, don't rush it good things come with time just never give up and know that things happen for a reason good or bad.
Aww thanks. Teddy tells me I'm a good Pops, and I think Huxley is beginning to learn the same.
Thank you! That picture was taken when I first met her. She's probably put on two pounds since then, which is sort of a big deal because she was in the 5-10 pound range then.
Wow she's a big girl - Ginger weighs 2.5 kg which is about 5lbs. Can I ask a question atti? When do you administer their first flea spot-on treatment? Is it age or weight related? Have heard conflicting advice.
It is sort of both. Huxley had her first heartworm preventative last night, but no Trifexis, which is what I use for fleas, hookworms, round worms, heart worms, and whip worms. Most healthy puppies can start flea treatment at twelve weeks. If they are scrawny at twelve weeks, it is best to wait until fourteen or see a vet. By scrawny I mean skin and bones. If you start her on oral flea treatment at this young, she could have seizures and possibly die. Same with some topical treatments. If she has fleas now, you can get a flea collar which is safe for puppies, or use a flea shampoo, NOT a flea dip.
Cheers! Her first appointment at the vet's is on Saturday so she'll get her first jab then. Freddy is just in the 10-20kg treatment bracket but the one below is 2-10kg so she could have that I guess but I'll check with the vet before I do anything.
Your vet will give her corona, parvo and possibly distemper. She should be old enough for a heartworm chew now. They are generally safe for babes. Huxley will get a preventative for kennel cough, which is not necessary if your dog is not going to be at the vet frequently. Because of my job and my sister's job, though, we have to vaccinate for kennel cough because we are exposed to it daily and we don't want to be a carrier. Plus, all my dogs go once a week for a bath or when the landlord is expected to drop by.

Took a video this morning as I was *trying* to get dressed for my exam. My grandmother asked me, "How do you spell Huxley?" And I said, "t-r-o-u-b-l-e."
Oh! We got weighed today. 9.5 pounds!

She weighs thirty six percent of what teddy weighs and one sixth of what she will weigh as an adult!
Wow that's a great video atti! Actually only got to watch half of it because of buffering (my service is slow due to being at the end of the phone line so to speak, and we haven't got cable internet yet), but what I saw was lovely!
I've got a video of Ginger so I'm going to try to post it this afternoon when I've downloaded it to computer.
Mamashack frontline SPRAY (not the vials), can be used from 2 days of age, if you have scratchy trouble with little one.

In the UK we vacc for Distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza and parvovirus.

Your pit is an absolute beaut :D
We do our vaccines in several rounds. Most people get the seven-in-one in four doses. Pit bulls usually get an extra parvo.

Isn't she just gorgeous though? She's such a goof ball. I'm starting a blog for her, mostly a blog in photos, one a day to watch her growth. It's still in the beginning stages, and I haven't made the first post yet, but the URL is

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