My Nine Day Old Pit Bull!

Good luck with all you've got on this month, atti! Sounds like you are going to be very busy!
Yes I shall be busy. This will keep me from going "23 days, 14 hours, 49 minutes" all day long. I do indulge a bit, though. I've been crossing off my calendar dates which I don't normally do. I like it though.

Oh, my sister and I have set ourselves a mini challenge: Huxley WILL be house-broken by 12 weeks. I had a golden retriever who was house-broken by nine weeks. This will be easy peasy.
OMGoodness please let me in on your secret!!! PM me if it's not appropriate for this thread. Have never house-trained a dog before. All the ones I've ever had as an adult have already been trained. Freddy came to me at 4½ months and he went straight to the back-door immediately. Spent all that money on puppy pads and he never used one! lol
I've house trained several dogs. What I do is pretty simple. You'll need a small crate or a patitioned larger crate which will fit the pup when she's older. It needs to be big enough that she can stand and turn, but no bigger than that. You'll want to layer it with towels in case of accidents. She'll need to get used to her kennel too, as this is where she will spend a majority of her time when you first get her. Ease her into it. Never shove her in. Let her go in on her own the first time. Praise praise praise her. Feed her in there. Give her treats every time she sits in the kennel quietly. Once she is used to the kennel, begin phase two.

Your puppy's mother will already have her on a schedule, so it's going to be easy for you. Routine is the best medicine for pups. Of course the first thig you will do in the morning is take the puppy out to potty. Make a big deal out of her going outside. Reward her with fifteen minutes of playtime or take her for a brief walk. Then feed her. Fifteen minutes later, take her out. Much praise. If she doesn't go, bring her back in, and set her in her crate. Take her out fifteen minutes later, and take her where she is supposed to go. Praise if she does. If she doesn't, back in the kennel for fifteen minutes. Because you've been feeding her in the kennel, she should be very hesitant to potty in the kennel. Once she potties after mealtime, give her fifteen minutes of play time or free time. Let her explore the living room, show her your fish tanks, or (ideally) work on a bit of training. If she's yawning, it means she is puzzling something over, which is good. After fifteen minutes, back in the kennel for thirty minutes of quiet time. After thirty minutes, back outside. This helps her realize that going outside is meant for eliminating. Do not let her play in the yard until after she potties (my beagle knows a command for urinating). Praise is very important, but be sure you say the same thing like "good potty" or whatever word you want to use. Eventually you'll be getting to the point where you can say, "Ginger, go potty," and she'll pop a squat.

If you keep her on this schedule (15 minutes free time, 30 minutes kennel time, 15 minutes potty time/additional kennel time), she should pick up on it really quickly. Because you've got Freddy in the house, he'll help out too. She will learn from him where to eliminate. Of course, if he's intact, he may begin marking the house. Don't let her see that. If she potties inside, don't freak out. Scold her sharply and take her outside to where she is supposed to go. She will not potty again, but this reinforces what she is supposed to do. Put her back in the kennel for thirty minutes and start the process again. He sure to clean any spot immediately. Do your best to get it completely out of the floor. If the smell lingers, she will piss there again. However, if she starts pissing by the door, this means she knows where she is supposed to go, but you haven't been paying enough attention.

This is called crate training. It works extremely well for separation issues, house training, boundary reinforcing, etc. Any questions?
Thanks for that atti
Freddy has been in a cage/crate from day 1 and I'm planning on having her in the travel cage until I know how big she's going to get.
Freddy isn't in tact so he doesn't mark inside tho he will outside if he scents another dog has peed somewhere. He always makes sure he's had a good drink of water before a walk as I'm getting his lead/leash ready so he's plenty to mark with! lol
Good! He'll really help her then. Do you know how you'll leash train?
Not yet. I have seen Cesar Milan's programmes tho I haven't had chance to put theory into practice yet. Time will tell! lol
I have a couple of good methods that I use for that too, but its basically just my take on what Cesar says. I'm uploading photos of my pup as we speak. She's just absolutely perfect. It hurts me that I can't bring her home now.




Here is our older pit bull, Ruca:

Our dachshund mix, Dylan:

My beagle/dachshund mix, Theodore:

And both the boys (besties 5ever) cuddling:
Awwww she's looking great Atti! Can't believe she's got a purple collar too altho yours looks to be a light purple where Ginger's is dark purple! Her "mum" rang me tonight and said I could have her a week early if I wanted, but I had to decline as I'd already changed my holiday to be off for her first week with us and can't just change it again so close to the date. Anyway she's keeping her til 8 weeks for us and that's only 2 weeks away now!
Her collar is too big for her now, but she accepted it really well. She'll have grown into it by the time I pick her up, which will be in two weekends for us too. All her siblings are going to their homes next weekend. I don't want her to be all alone for longer than she has to, so I'm getting her on the fourth! Hux was born on march 15. Do our puppies have the same birthday?
Ginger was born on Sat 16th March so Hux is just a day older. We'll be getting her on the 5th May as my son and I had made other separate arrangements before we knew we'd be getting her.
We didn't put the collar on her yet as the other puppies in the litter would probably have chewed it to bits. They are teething and chewing at everything apparently. Apart from one or two that had already erupted, she had lots of raised bumps where her teeth are going to be last time I saw her. They'll be like needles until her baby teeth go and she gets her proper gnashers! lol
Her current "mum" told me she is very good with the puppy pads and makes sure she goes right in the middle of the pad whereas the other 3 seem to be a bit hit and miss. Hopefully with what she's already doing and with Freddy showing the way she will be trained quite quickly.
Huxley and her litter mates already have all their teeth. They're so cute! She has a brother who is absolutely gorgeous.

Yeah, you should have an easy time house-breaking her. If you want, you can set out a puppy pad by the door. She will realize that she's supposed to go to the door, and all you will have to do is open it for her. I don't usually use puppy pads outside the kennel as a precautionary measure, but they do work well for some people.
It's the big day today,atti!
  to young Huxley!!
You'll be busy for a fewdays, but don't forget some pictures when you get chance, atti!

My Nonnie met her today:

Huxley and Dylan look nice together:

Absolutely tuckered out. She's sleeping in her crate now, but she found a napping place in Ruca's pile-o-beds:
Awe she is so cute! Congrats man a little envious I have always wanted a female pit bull. Everyone gives put bulls a bad name and says they are mean dogs when in reality they can be just as nice and caring as black lab or even smaller dogs. People tend to use pit bulls and train them to be aggressive ( and that's actually how they got their name, they were a fighting dog ) .

I never got a chance to say this on your betta post as it got closed, but I'm sorry to hear that pistol had passed away, and I really don't think this was in anyway your fault and hope you get another betta soon. Life is a learning experience and as long as you learned something from pistol then it was not in vein :) remember never give up and always look towards the future as it holds many happy moments :)

Beautiful dog and congrats!

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