My New Project For A Local Charity.

That won't help Nick much unless this guy ships to Australia.  :lol:
eaglesaquarium said:
That won't help Nick much unless this guy ships to Australia.  
very true, I was aware Nick is in Oz ... I just waffling mostly and sharing my thoughts. I do this a lot ;)
Akasha72 re: your last post about getting into trouble, we cannot know everything so thus if there is a specialised forum for something of interest I think it is great to share, might even go and look myself sometime, even though I do not have Angels ;)

Long way for the fish to get to Australia, but maybe someone out there could contact the OP breeding them in the UK to try and create something similar out there? I am sure Nicku may just want to get some standard versions initially :). Any news Nick?
Great, not a bad price either, they will be very small based on the size in the description, but then I prefer them small, alas though they grow large. How many would you like to add? Would be great to end up with a pair breeding.

I also love discus, but they need to have the right water parameters at all times, so I think you are correct in not having them in this sort of aquarium.
remember Nick, if you get angels get all the ones you want at the same time because once they are added they are unlikely to accept any new comers. I've just been commenting on a thread where someone has tried to add an angel to an already existing group and failed.
Gotta love the platinum angel ... I had one and once the bright electric blue marking start appearing they are striking
This was mine you can see the blue on her dorsal

she grew into this - although you can't see the blue in this photo
I did a bit of a prune, There are 5 clown loaches in there now, They were rescues, a LFS sold 5 to a friends kid who has a 10 gallon tank.  I am actually thinking of keeping them, They are cool and so friendly, They click with excitement when I feed them and don't seem to bother the Platys or my BN's
HarpyFishLover said:
Akasha, that angel is stunning.
Thank you, she was and I was really upset at seeing her go but she was a murderous cow and I had to make a snap decision. I do miss her
Big news after 3 hours of netting " Most of the Platys " have been rehoused, now there is only 5 clown loaches and 2 BN plecos left in the tank. Along with a few Live bearer fry I missed.
I am still deciding, I have read a fair bit about angels and some of the parasites and illnesses they can get, I need real advice here please.
My other option is small fish, A nice shoal of 20 Hengeli Rasboras, and or maybe some Tetras, 6 Black Phantom, 6 Flame 6 Glow light 6 Rummy
I am open to suggestions on small shoals of fish.
the main thing to watch for with any cichlid is Hexamita. It's the only illness they are susceptible to that can be hard to spot and even harder to treat. Bear in mind though that it will only rear it's ugly head if extreem stress comes into the mix. 
Angels will bicker amongst themselves and so are evolved to deal with some stress so the stress would have to be huge really. Hex tends to manifest faster in young cichlids and the shier one's. I lost my bolivians to Hex and 2 baby angels.
From what I've seen and read angels are still a very robust species because they've not been over farmed like some of the other species of fish. If you like the idea I wouldn't be put off by stories of parasites etc. What I would consider though is that once you get them your committing yourself to no small fish for the forseeable future and bearing in mind I heard of an angel that reached 10 years old it's a long future.
If you go down the route of small fish this tank is big enough for some really interesting shoals and schools. If this were me I'd be struggling to decide what to do with it! 
Good on you for taking this on! It looks great. With a tank that size there are so many options, goodness knows how long it would take me to decide! I would love some angels though.

If you went for tetras I personally think that they look fantastic in a big group and you could get a couple of decent sizes shoals in there. I can vouch for rummynoses, I have some and they swim lengths of the tank and look brilliant. With the length of that tank in a big shoal they would be great, and I would be very jealous.
I was in LFS today talking about Angels when the owner suggested it was prob not the best option, He also likes the idea of small fish, so after a bit of a discussion about various things I walked out with.
10 Rummy nose Tetras.
10 Flame Tetras
10 Black Widow Tetras
10 Neon Tetras.
All for free, Ok hes the guy who buys my BN fry so it was store credit.
I am also putting in 15 Hengeli Rasboras I had to rehouse because my Betta was killing them.
Waiting for everything to settle down so I can get photos.
So its 2 BN plecs, 5 Clown Loaches and 55 little fish.
I did not know Tetras like zucchini, The Flames were ripping into some I put in for the BN's and Loaches.
I am absolutely in love with Clown Loaches, They are so cool and friendly when I approach the tank they get so excited, all 5 clicking and dancing at the front and as soon as I put my fingers in the tank they are all over my hand looking for food.
tetra's like courgette? I've not seen mine having a go but maybe they do when the lights go out. My SAE's love it, my BN has a fight on to get some so I put two bits in now. I actually saw a cory trying a bit the last time there was some in there (last week, I've run out and need to go shopping)

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