My New Project For A Local Charity.

Water change day, The water is murky due to the water conditioner I use. Easy-Life, it will clear in about 4 hours.
They want food.
I fed the Loaches earth worm today by hand, It was an experience, they are such trusting gentle greedy fish.
NickAu said:
Water change day, The water is murky due to the water conditioner I use. Easy-Life, it will clear in about 4 hours.
I have just switched to this product from Sachem Prime as I read good things about it.  Have you always used it, if not how long and what did you use prior?
Love those clowns, their colouring is amazing, healthy and happy.  Earthworm feeding...yuk...
I have used it for about 2 years and love it I get the 1 gallon bottle ( $140 AUD ).
I was going to do some pruning but I am too lazy.

I like the natural... overgrown look.  :nod:
So do I plus its hard to prune the plants with 5 clowns all over your hand clicking with excitement looking for food.
Feeding time at the zoo
Full tank view

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