My New Longfin Bristlenose Has Breed For The First Time

to lisa (Mystil )

yes i am got some coming in the next couple wks

i have coming 4 x females golden longfin and a pair of golden longfin (m.f)

i have breeding trio common normal bns they have half brown and albino fry)coming to mrw theu the post but i may sell them as ill have to many unless i sell my red cherry shrimp and corys then ill have a spare tank for them

my fry doing good thx growing i have 17 brown and 5 albino so not to bad

hoipe your holiday was good !!
all taken tonite 21.02.09 at 11pm




i nroamly mave the male with fry

then put bk male with hes cave bk with females but i dont all ways do this only move the male and cave and fry if i need to

the fry have a 2ft tank to there selfs
'growing well they are' what are you seanie? YODA ?
lol nice picsz cant wait til i can set up my large tank and use little one as bn breeder yay

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