My New Fw Adventure

The picture where the tank is unsprayed looks like one of those pics that people claim they got a picture of a ghost.... haha.

It looks great! I can't wait to see the finished product with the plants. :D
looking good :good: , did you spray your trainers aswell :lol: :hey:
i would go with some small cichlids, and some really colourful schooling fish, like tetras, rasboras, or 2 dwarf gourami's.

keep the pics coming :nod:

:lol: I managed to spray everything but my trainers i think, good job for the free newspaper adverts after all :good:

Yeah i think i'm pretty much decided on a pair of rams, but which type either bolivian, golden rams or germans :S

Thinking on some cardinal tetras and my concolor corys. But suggestions are welcome if you have anything specific in mind?

cute tank and feet :blush:


The picture where the tank is unsprayed looks like one of those pics that people claim they got a picture of a ghost.... haha.

It looks great! I can't wait to see the finished product with the plants. :D

:lol: It does kinda don't it, at least we know the secret now. Just need to find a way to hide the flash and the camera... nothing a bit of photoshop can't handle :thumbs:

Onto the pics:

This is the tank before it gets its final spray


and here it is finished, looking very nice i think


Mixing some black gravel, couldn't find sand but this stuff is smooth enough, forgive me for shopping at petsathome but my LFS had no black substrate :/


Once again forgive the shoddy bathroom it will be outa here soon :blush:

Okay, i have finished aquascaping the tank but don't get your hopes up, i've never been to good at it and this shape made it even harder for me.

I'm just waiting for the glass to unsteam as the water inside is so much colder than the air in this house (Damn central heating :lol:) so i've gotta let the heater bring it up some. Pics in about on hour or 2 of the finshed product until my house is fully decorated then i'm going to turn it into a high-tech planted tank :hey:

watch this space :)
good job mate, some amazon swords or vallis maybe :rolleyes: black background black gravel, and green green plants will look great :nod: as for the rams, id choose between golden or germans, bolivian rams are not very colourful -_-

have you thought about a pair of dwarf cockatoo cichlids? they have very nice colours, the red and orange colouration will go very nice in your tank, when its complete :p
good job mate, some amazon swords or vallis maybe :rolleyes: black background black gravel, and green green plants will look great :nod: as for the rams, id choose between golden or germans, bolivian rams are not very colourful -_-

have you thought about a pair of dwarf cockatoo cichlids? they have very nice colours, the red and orange colouration will go very nice in your tank, when its complete :p

Yeah mate i've decided against the bolivian but i am leaning towards a pair of dwarf gorumai's instead of the rams, whaddaya reckon?

Will check up on the cockatoos though :thumbs:

Okay pics:



Side again

Front pic


Let me know what you think, the fake plants are temporary but i don't think they look too bad TBH until i can go planted (Few months). The bubbles on the glass should go down by tommorow morning :good:


BTW concolor cories are coming the 12th Feb :good:

On a side note i put a reserve on my first car today :D A toyota Yaris VVT-i T3 1.0 with only 5k milage :hyper: My mum got loads of extras chucked in also :thumbs:
Thanks :)

One thing i want to ask everyone is what do you think on a pair of angel fish instead?

The tank is 18" tall... Stocking would be

6 concol cories
2 angels

if i went with the angels i'd have to get 6 temporarily until 2 paired off and then take 4 back.

Whaddaya reckon

6 cories
8 tetras
pair of rams

pair of angels
6 cories

Let me know what you think of the tank also, i've wiped the bubbles off now. If you don't like it help me out on what i can improve :good:
Thanks Wuv :)

BTW didn't realise you had a large SW tank now :dunno: Still got loads of bettas?

More pics tommorow now the bubbles are all gone. I'm going to use another HOB when i get paid for increased surface agitation. I've decided on a 2 tube arcadia overtank luminaire for lighting when i go planted. I can swap out the bulbs for higher quality when they arrive :good:

In the mean time i'm going to try and get my head around all this C02 business :S

Can someone help me out with those two stocking options i'm pretty sure it's going to be one of those just not sure whether the angels would be okay?

Thanks Wuv :)

BTW didn't realise you had a large SW tank now :dunno: Still got loads of bettas?
I do still have lots of bettas, mainly wilds. They keep breeding and I keep raising and trading them. :rolleyes: I set up my saltwater last year at this time (Feb'ish).

Can't help ya regarding the angels, but I really do like the shape of that tank. (it would be an awesome nano =P)
rams or appistogrammas all the way.

and not just those cocktails. check out other types.
tanks looking great :good: , i'd go with a pair of german blue rams, 6 cardinal tetras and 5 panda cories.
Thanks for the comments everyone :)

I've already ordered some concolor corys so they'll be taking the bottom slot :good:

I'm pretty sure on 6 cardinals then, do you reckon 7 - 8 would be too much if i had a pair of german rams then?
Latest update! (Poor pictures ahead sorry :()

Got my Corys from CoryRusUK (Highly reccomended), 6 concolors :D





Excuse quality of pics the white balance is way off and i couldn't get close enough as they were still nervous from the move(s). I will try again for better pics tommorow so you can fully appreciate the different shades on them :good:

Dan :)

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