My New Babies

mags.. does your spray bar look like its steaming ?
mine looks as tho its blowing out steam ( very fine bubbles).. maybe high pressure? never seen that before.. its not a huge amount but i can see it
tanks lovely and clear tho :) and the babies dont seem to mind the flow at all .
I imagine its trapped air coming out and if its really close to the surface then yeah it can look like gase, push the bar lower down in the water.
Reminds me i need a spray bar for my eheim now ive upped the filtration they are playing madly in the current i wanna slow it down a bit
Serious lack of updated pics here Shelagh,you're slacking! lol

:lol: i forgot all about it.. kinda lost the urge when the one died :(
have got myself a sev and a choc chiclid today tho :D



the oscar has shown them whose boss.. all i need now is a bigger tank

Serious lack of updated pics here Shelagh,you're slacking! lol

slacking ? moi? :lol:

£35 each they wanted.. but i offered £60 for both and he was ok with it ( MHA).. tho i wouldnt normally spend that much on fish.. i just had to

choc is a bit shy, but he`ll come round.. nothing shy about the sev tho :lol:

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