Another Mysterious Fish Disapearance
I lost my little nemo today!
I came home from work to find it was nowhere to be seen. I immediately felt my stomach turn and the dread dawned upon me yet again and I was right tp feel that way! It's completely vanished without a trace!
I searched everywhere possible in the tank (without completely dismantling it!) and everywhere outside the tank, completely tore my room upside down but still no sign of it!
I am completely assured I have some sort of predatory shrimp or crab present in my tank that has attacked and killed 2 of my clownfish. I think it tried to attack the one that jumped out and the fright caused it to jump!
This theory would explain it all! The crab that I have in my refugium is absolutely lethal, it aint even afraid of me and trys to attack me if I tap on the refugium wall and I'm several thousand times it's size so if there was another like it hiddedn somewhere in the LR then what chance would a poor fish stand from a sudden unexpected ambush in the night when the fish was sleeping!!!!
A mantis shrimp would explain the clicking I've been hearing every so often coming from the tank!
Now does anybody know how to go about setting a trap to capture a predatory shrimp of crab?
The worst thing is I've never seen it so can't really even be sure it exists but how else can i justify and explain the mysterious clownfish disapearances!
I have been sat beside my tank for several hours now ith only my computer screen lighting my room and parts of the tank but have not seen or noticed any odd movement or critters other than a few bristleworms!!!
Tested my tank params:
- Temp: 25 Degrees C
- SG: 1.024
- pH: 7.8 (dropped since than last time)
- Ammonia: 0ppm
- Nitrite: 0ppm
- Nitrate: 5-10ppm
Had no changes in any of my tank params so what ever happend to my clownfish, it sure happend quick and didn't cause a spike in anything!