My Moms New Birds


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2007
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My mom got 3 new birds because my uncle couldn't take care of them anymore. There names are Peaches, Apple, and Pumpkin Pie.
you said in another thread that u cant buy stuff for your fish because you spend your money buying stuff for your rabbits.

so.. repeat that again
hat species of birds are these?
personally, i would agree with the other posters, get what animals you have now healthy and happy, before even thinking about getting any more. try to find a better home for these birds, and if you cant afford stuff for your animals, get new homes for them too, what happens if they fall ill and need the vets? you going to let them die because you cant afford vets bills?
Who say's they are hers and she is paying for them, Her mom is probably paying for all the stuff.
FBT, how many animals do you have? And how many hours a day do you spend on each one? And how many of them have you had to say "oh, i don't have money to take care of this any more"?

You may not be a hoarder, but I think your mother might be one. She keeps allowing more and more animals into your house when you cannot afford to care for the ones you already have. I know how much you love animals, so I can only begin to imagine how painful it would be if Animal Control was ever forced to come and take all of your pets away.

It will be hard, but the next time someone in your house wants to get a new pet, you need to point out that you already have too many to adequately care for.
My mom wouldn't buy a test kit for me, she doesnt want anything to do with my fish, heck my stepdad likes my fish mrowe than my mum(he used to have an oscar, and a perahana(sp?)) I ahd to [purcahe all my fish with my own money. But, my stepdad is more than willing to go out of his way to go 30 minutes over to petsmart just to get some fish medicince. One time, i had a fish that had fungus, and i didn't realize it was fungus, well, while i was at horse camp, he went to petmsmart, and told the guy the symptoms and got fungus cure!
is it nessasary to be rude? it's her animals she wants them.. yes she may not be able to care for them all but I'm sure she will dow aht she can and do what's best.. just please don't jsut down her throat... that's realyl rude of you all...
OK the birds are not mine they are my moms finches. So really you should not be bagging on me for any of it! Its not like I told my mom people who I have no idea who they really are said that you should not have these birds!
Give her a break, this is a family forum and you guys should be building poeple up not breaking them down. So she has to many animals, that dosent mean she dosent care for them, and i know she will do whats right with the situations that she is having.

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