My Moms New Birds

is it nessasary to be rude? it's her animals she wants them.. yes she may not be able to care for them all but I'm sure she will dow aht she can and do what's best.. just please don't jsut down her throat... that's realyl rude of you all...

If she cant care for them she shouldnt have them. "Doing what she can" isn't enough

And no one is being rude. Were just trying to get her to stop taking in so many animals she cant care for
FTBgirl i really think you need to speak to your mum about this whole animal thing- i agree with pica_nuttalli in particular.

Have a thorough talk with your mum- although you seem to be aware that you have so many animals now that looking after them properly/well is becomming very difficult, your mum does not seem to realise this problem.
Speak to your mum about this situation as the situation is not good- you won't be the first one who has had to adress stuff like their to their mother either. For example, my mother keeps on nagging me to buy her some goldfish for her pond, but i refuse to let her have any goldfish on the grounds that the last ones she had, she let them starve to death. So basically, sometimes you have to raise issues like this with your parents even though getting such points across to them can seomtimes be difficult and fustrating.
You have a responsability to raise these concerns to your mother, as by agreeing with your mother about taking in the birds, you are at least partly responsable for them entering your house under your care.

You must spend like every day cleaning out your pets housing right now, with all the rabbits and fish and now birds, which must take a great deal of the fun out of having such animals. I only just happily manage with my 4 fish tanks and 3 pet rats, i can't imagine how much time you must spend every week cleaning out loads of hutches and cages and aquariums and stuff etc. And then you have to have all the other time needed to be spent spending quality time with the animals and giving them the love and attention they need- if you are looking after all of these animals well in these respects, i wouldn't be surprised that you hardly have any free time to yourself to do with what you want with.
... ... ...
You're only 14 right now, and i expect that you do a great deal of the looking after for these pets, i think your mother is irresponsable in letting you have so many animals at this age- think about it this way: What are you going to do in the near future when you (might) want to go to Uni or college and you can't be there all the time to look after all the animals? What about when you go into full time work, are you really going to have the time and energy to keep up on all this maintanence after working 8 hours every week day and want to go out at the weekend too? What if when you want to move out of home, no landlords will let you have animals in your rented accomodation? Who's going to look after them then?
Can you really trust your mother to clean out dozens of rabbit and bird cages and aquariums every week and keep up on all the other maintanence and give the animals all the time needed to be spent with them to dote love and attention on them etc?
The problem with situations like this, is that more than often you can only rely on yourself. Keeping any sort of pet takes a lot of responsability and at least a fair amount of time (and not to mention money too)- you might be at school spending a fair amount of time there and working hard, but as you grow older your schedule will become so much more hectic and harder if you really want to do stuff in life and go to great places etc.
I don't expect you to be able to really contemplate this kind of stuff right now at your age, however i think out of all people your mother (being the adult) has been the least responsable person in this whole drama/situation. You really need to speak to her.

I'm sure you are enjoying the new birds though right now, did you do any thorough research into keeping finches before you adopted them?

edit: sp
I disagree with all the members giving FBTgirl a hard time at the end of the day it is her life and im sure she isnt meaning to have such bad luck with keeping her fish so if anything we should be giving her support and suggestions on how to handle the problems she is having :/
The rabbits are my hole families and I would have been fine with one when I was ten. My mom said we would be getting rid of a lot of our rabbits at the next show too. I do nothing for the birds because they are not mine...I just do fish and rabbits.
Yeh. You guys should be supproting her, not bashing her...*cough*fishboy*cough*....
I have lots of animals and fish tanks and i manage to care for them all and still make it fun. Well my mum pays for everything but lets try and help right i agree if you cant care for the animal (vets bills, food, treatments etc) then dont get it simple as. But now she has them we can only advise her what to do. She has them now so no point saying "why did you get them" etc. I would advise not to get anymore animlas. I have kept birds and if you can buy in bulk it will cut costs. You can get Lots of bird seeds (last ages) for a few quid. Sand paper if you buy them loose (not like 5 in a packet) My LFS did them 15 sheets for £1 which i cut in half and was enough for both trays. So they lasted 15 changes. Cuttlefish are like 6 for 40p at my local garden centre. Aslong as you have a the cage you should be able to keep the cst down.
i'll say what i think zafirha, why shouldnt i, everybody else is entitled to.
i dont think FBTgirl is suitable to be looking after so many animals, if shes having problems with her rabbits, then i doubt she should be getting more pets to take care of. look after the ones you have before taking on more.
oh and on the rabbit thread before it closed, i wasnt having a go at FBTgirl for keeping her bettass in small containers, that was someone else, and i think its a little imature of you to bring up something that has nothing to do with rabbits...just adding fuel to the fire if you ask me.
I was poiting out the fact that you need to stop having a go at people who don't have aquadete tanks/what ever's to suite your standards. You should pash them for this. They can keep there animals in whatevs they want
I think the title and first post were misinterpreted..

I got 3 new birds
and the title of the post as "My new birds".. which doesn't say much about it being her mothers. Although its nice of her to take in unwanted or neglected pets, its surely going to turn into a hoarding situation, and if we sit here and watch Animal Planets "Animal cops" and shake our heads at hoarders on there, then why is it ok in this situation? I mean, if its tough getting through each day with the ones currently had, why get more.
I was poiting out the fact that you need to stop having a go at people who don't have aquadete tanks/what ever's to suite your standards. You should pash them for this. They can keep there animals in whatevs they want
So you think that people can keep animals in anything they want and its ok?the animals welfare does not come into it!!
I am sorry but if you actually belive this you are no better than the people that keep animals in cramped or cruel conditions!!!
I'm quite new to this forum and I do not know the ins an outs of FBT's multiple pet situation, but i keep and sometimes rescue a lot of pet parrots/birds.

I just wanted to point out that it does matter significantly where they are kept and how they are cared for. Birds need a huge amount of care and attention and require a specialist diet depending on their breeds - it is no longer a case of throwing some rubbish seed in a bowl and fresh water each day and saying hello to them for the first two novelty weeks. They need a quality mixed seed, fresh fruits, veggies, and a whole host of other foods, supplements, exercise, treats and toys (which can last only a few minutes) to keep them happy and healthy - believe me after x2 birds £6000+ in vet bills last year alone they can cost an absolute fortune as avian medicine is not yet as advanced as your standard domestic vet care. If you don't meet their requirements or become stressed it is very easy for them to become quite sick, very quickly.

I am not sure where in the world you are located but in the UK there is the AWB which requires you by law to follow guidelines in caring for your pet. :good:

What birds are they btw?
Thats not what I ment. Please do not say i keep my pets(cats) in horrible conditions. My cats ge the run of trhe house, and friggen expensive food. I just don't fishboy should be saying that her rabbits are liviing in Hell Holes. He should say that she might want to think about upgrading her cages because they are a little small. Then saying, Omg, your rabbits are liviving in hell holes and your a friggen hoarder.
Thats not what I ment. Please do not say i keep my pets(cats) in horrible conditions. My cats ge the run of trhe house, and friggen expensive food. I just don't fishboy should be saying that her rabbits are liviing in Hell Holes. He should say that she might want to think about upgrading her cages because they are a little small. Then saying, Omg, your rabbits are liviving in hell holes and your a friggen hoarder.
And at 12 years old you may want to try and see that its the animals we are concerned about

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