My Moms New Birds

They are Zebra finches. Nothing like Parrots, Also I live in CA...

Finches needs don't really differ that much, I have a blue faced parrot finch - you need to make sure they get enough exercise (loads of room to fly, just because they are small it doesn't mean they need live in a small cage ;)) and plenty of species specific food.

This is a great website for advice on caring for them:

Best of luck.
i never called her a frigging hoarder. just her rabbits are not kep in suitable cages. and the fact you think people can keep animals in whatever theywant isnt that good, its a fact of keeping an animal alive and well, is aswell as the nesseties such as food and water, a large cage/hutch is needed. it isnt what suits my stantards, its what everyone agrees with. and besides this topic is about birds, not rabbits.
skipjacktunafish has a good view on things, birds are an easy animals to look after, sitting in a bird cage with simple food and water. they need much more as s/he explained.
and so what if FBTgirl lives in CA, its not that over there the way people keep animals are different, they still need a good size cage with proper looking after.
im not saying you dont give them good food, or clean water. or even you dont handle them and groom them, but all that is pointless if they are going back into those little tiny cages with wire flooring.
and just because they are zebra finches, they still need good care.
taking in any animal can be expensive, but to rescue an animal will usally be more expensive to get it back to full health, and if you havent got the money, are you ignoring and putting off visits to the vets when needed?
Honestly, everybody here thinks her rabbits need a bigger cage, and you all have told her that. But she'll take your advice into mind, and at the end of the day, we can't do anything if she decides to keep her rabbits in those cages.
Do not bring my age into this. Just because i am 12 doesnt mean i know crap about animals. I realize that you are just trying to do whats best for the animals, and i am to. But, why must you go at it at that approah
'people will keep their animals in whatever they want'
Fair enough, but it isn't ok to keep multiple animals which you can't look after.So that statement is a bit off.Why are you trying to defend FBT girl so much Zafirah, it's a forum and after all people will post what they want to post.

Obviously FBT girl has something to do with the birds anyway, she wouldn't of posted 'my new birds' for no reason, maybe she doesn't look after them and has nothing to do with them, or maybe as she wrote that they are hers twice because she wants more animals?
so you giving me lectures at 12 zafirah, i thought you were just a simple adult.
and i dont think swearing at your age gives the right impression. maybe step back a little as every one on this forum has the right to say what the like and everyone has the animals best intrests at heart.
and i would like to know why you are defending FBTgirl so much? surely you know its bad to keep rabbits in small cages with wire floors and have more animals then you can cope with? or do you think its ok?
no offense fishboy but you are a teenager yourself like me so you can barely talk to zafirah about age etc so I think FBT girl should be left alone and supported and not bullied on a family forum such ass this one and maybe a mod can take control now thanks
i know im a teenager myself, and even tho im an older teenager. what i mean is a 12 year old shouldne be acting like he is. i dont think FBTgirl is being bullied, i think she is being told exactly what is wrong with what she is doing, and not covering up what needs to be said.
i dont see why i should be gentle and "understanding" of someone who clearly hasnt done research about keeping rabbits and doesnt think ahead of getting more animals.
OMG! You people make no sense.well most of you. OK, just because a 14 year old kid does not have $100 to take there birds to the vet does not mean my parents dont. OK? I truely only pay for my fish and FBTs. My birds have plenty of room to fly around and I do not get the idea that everyone thinks that my birds are being kept poorly! fishboy the birds I got are perfectly healthy, I never said they where being treated poorly at my uncles house. I said he had no time for them so he could not care for them anymore. Thankyou Tropicman. If my pet is in need of medication that I cant provide and what not does not mean that my parents just go all well.
Yes they do..Fishboy you have made your piont that I need bigger cages. But you are being unfair about it. Saying my rabbits live in H*** Holes, and that it is cruelty. I know you never said I was a hoarder but someone did. The birds where nothing of my choice. They are not mine, That is that.. OK? Why did you have to bring Zafirahs age into it? She did nothing... Neither did I! Cheesy Feet I say mine because it is easier to say than My moms birds that I have nothing to do with. So I say my new birds, I never thought you would all do this about the birds too, But I guess I was wrong.
i didnt bring her age into it. tho its a valid point.
to be fair, i think it is cruel keeping them in small cages with wire floors.
if the birds arent yours, then fine, but with the title "my news birds" it makes me think otherwise. and you call them yours through out.
its good of you to take the birds, but its pointless if you cant give them excellent care with all your other animals still need improvments.
I know it helps nothing at all but I changed the title and the first post so it makes more sense now.
i didnt bring her age into it. tho its a valid point.
to be fair, i think it is cruel keeping them in small cages with wire floors.
if the birds arent yours, then fine, but with the title "my news birds" it makes me think otherwise. and you call them yours through out.
its good of you to take the birds, but its pointless if you cant give them excellent care with all your other animals still need improvments.

I call my mums animals mine, My budgies are my mums.
Yeh. We have 3 cats at my house. Only 1 is truly mine, and was baught for me from a rescue center. But, the other rescue i say is mine, when its my moms. The cat, Ivy, Doesn't even like me. If i postred her i would say my cat ivy (i dont consider the 16 yr old mine, she is an old fat cat that hates me)

You are 14 for gods sakes. My brother is 14. Just because you are 14 doesnt mean you are more nolegaable(ack!. sp) abour animals. I have oowned animals all my life, and before I get one I look up what they need and how to teach them stuff that i dont want them to do. You are acting like you have friggen senority and you dont

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