My Managerie of Tanks

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Video wouldn't upload, so here is a GIF of my scaping helper as I tidied up some plants in Earl's tank.

The glowlights are the youngest of these. The skirt tetras are 6-7 years old and still going strong. Continuing with this tank, I'll be sticking to glowlights and skirts as many of the elderly pass on. The skirts have grown on me a lot, and the glowlights I find look really good with the skirts.
You probably have been asked this question several times before. How many tanks do you have up and running?
You probably have been asked this question several times before. How many tanks do you have up and running?
At the moment, 8, though one is my kid's. I did have 9, but recently took one down (my 5 gallon) and juggled fish around to other tanks as a compromise to my husband so that we could get a snake as a family pet.

4 gallon bookshelf
10 gallon x2
20 gallon long
55 gallon x3
135 gallon

We dont count the tank I'm setting up as a temporary spawning tank for the glowlight tetras, as once the fry leave that it'll be drained and put away lol

We also have two 40 gallon vivariums, one for a Kenyan sand boa and one for a crested gecko. And bunch of little mini things for ant farms and such, I suppose if you count those... lol
In fact this was the 5 gallon, it was gifted to a local friend so it's not even in my possession to tempt me again haha

Your tanks make mine look so fugly XD
Everyone's tanks have their own appeal, and we all start somewhere.

Sometimes I look at one of my tanks and I'm like, thanks, I hate it. Time to redo lol
Kid's endler tank. Home to 8 male endlers (well, one of those eight is a guppy-endler hybrid). Can't get a frontal photo anymore because of room location. The bed is in the way lol it's beside his bed so he can watch his fish at bed time.
I had to replace the light it had, the new one is a JC&P submersible bar light, it's fairly bright but I also can't adjust the white balance so it comes out more red toned... which makes the red on his endler boys POP.
But, given it's a better light, I might be able to add more plants and remove the fake few he's got in there.

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I should note, this tank has adjusted water. The GH and pH are much much higher than my tap water. I raise the GH with Equilibrium but also the substrate is crushed coral. Happy snails and endlers lol

This is the hybrid boy, courtesy of a local friend who bred a black bar endler male with an albino koi female guppy. His black bar shows sometimes and other times he doesn't show it.
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Other endler boys, just black bars.
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Your Endlers have some amazing colors. Beautiful!!

Endlers and guppies are so hard to photograph. They don't sit still for the life of me 🤣
@Gamegurl564 thanks! My son's favourite color is red, so it's lucky most have red to them.
Everyone's tanks have their own appeal, and we all start somewhere.

Sometimes I look at one of my tanks and I'm like, thanks, I hate it. Time to redo lol
Well, mine isn't complex at all. Just thick brush of plants :) I moved my amazon sword more to the right, it left an empty spot where it was, then I moved my crypt beckettii more to the left 🫠
Well, mine isn't complex at all. Just thick brush of plants :) I moved my amazon sword more to the right, it left an empty spot where it was, then I moved my crypt beckettii more to the left 🫠
Thick brush of plants is still a style!

Sometimes I like to search various aquascapes on Google and get ideas or inspiration, other times I like watching underwater videos in the wild for ideas too. Good to see how fish behave naturally and how they utilize their environment to get some ideas of how to layout stuff in your own tank to give them things to use as well. Channels like Below Water and Biotopia are two of my favourites for that.
Thick brush of plants is still a style!

Sometimes I like to search various aquascapes on Google and get ideas or inspiration, other times I like watching underwater videos in the wild for ideas too. Good to see how fish behave naturally and how they utilize their environment to get some ideas of how to layout stuff in your own tank to give them things to use as well. Channels like Below Water and Biotopia are two of my favourites for that.
I think I may make a thread of my tank like you did, but I just have no content ideas :)
But just as a rough idea of my tanks looks :)

And thank you, this is great reassurance ❤️
I think I may make a thread of my tank like you did, but I just have no content ideas :)
But just as a rough idea of my tanks looks :)

And thank you, this is great reassurance ❤️
It's also nice to be able to go back and see where you started, you never know how things evolve. It's worth it, even if it's for your own gain :D
My tank of "retirement" as I like to call it. Has a lot of my elderly tetras that are dwindling in numbers, living out their golden years together as I'm not replacing many.

Couple of my osteogaster aenea. They're in this tank too. This tank houses the 6 osteogaster aenea and 9 hoplisoma sterbai. In background of second Pic you can see my L240 pleco in the cave.


This is Oops, my only longfin hoplisoma paleatum. Didn't intend to buy a longfin. I bought 2 juvenile paleatum at the store and they looked totally normal. I avoided unnatural color fish for this tank, stuck to a strict regional theme... and this guy grows long fins as he matured lol he is in my Paraguay tank, but his fins keep getting more ridiculous.

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