My Managerie of Tanks

Are yourrr Skirrttssss actualllyly shoallling???
hey, they can when they feel like it haha
Tbh they make a nice display in a 55 gallon. A good tetra for this sized tank.
My 55. Some improvement on the plant growth. My anubias hastifolia has a new leaf coming in and my swords and vals are filling in more.

My 46 got a trim, removed the older leaves off the swords that were damaged or worn out

The 20. The moss is just taking right over. And my crypts are doing great.

And betta tanks
Actually went and added some more plants to the 55. Some moss between the pots and more hornwort.
Absolutely gorgeous tanks. Really nice to see their development since April :wub:
This will basically become my longterm photo dump for photos of my tanks and fish.

Questions are welcome.

I keep 6 tanks, plus a couple small set ups for shrimp (future) and snails.

First is my 1gal snail jar. Aerated and planted in a sunny window. In a few months ill add shrimp.
View attachment 100686

Second is my 4 year old's snail tank.
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Next is my betta girl's 2.5g blackwater
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My male betta's 3.5g.
View attachment 100693

My 10g nano
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My 20g tetra tank
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My 20g livebearer community (plus cherry barbs). Im planning to rescape this tank.
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And lastly, my 46g bowfront
View attachment 100690

(Yes i am aware i overstock, but lots of filtration and manual labour keeps things in good shape)
I seem to always overstock and usually overfeed too. It's all about filters and new water though. I test water regularly and like you said it keeps thing in good shape.
Video of the 20g nano


Added more moss and more pots to the 55g

Got a new light for Franklin's little 3.5g and rescaped it
Do you have CO2 in any of your tanks? They look great by the way! :good:Wish I had the time for it:rolleyes:
No CO2, I dont understand the mechanisms behind it enough to feel comfortable using it. So all is basically low tech. Basic lighting, basic root tabs and basic ferts once in awhile when I remember lol
Yeah ok. I've never bothered with CO2. Only plants that have died are the ones my silver dollars have destroyed lol.
Yeah ok. I've never bothered with CO2. Only plants that have died are the ones my silver dollars have destroyed lol.
Ive killed java fern and about every single floating plants I've tried. But those don't even *need* CO2 haha...

I saw an ad the other day, someone was begging someone to take their tinfoil barb because it kept eating their plants. Like legit begging in all caps for someone to take it for free lol

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