My Managerie of Tanks

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So replaced both 20 gallons with a 55 gallon.

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All the fish from both 20s were combined into this tank and a few more fish were added.

A hoplosternum punctatum (will total 3, got 2 more coming this week) and a bristlenose pleco! The hoplo is named Urchin and the pleco is named Archie. The other two hoplos will be named Starfish and Squid.
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I am giving away one of my empty 20s to my upstairs neighbour, but my ancient 25 year old 20 gallon, I am stripping the seals, applying new silicone, and revamping the thing. Once it is ready, I am transferring my 10g nano over to it and will be selling the 10g.

Took the upper rim off, it needs some repairs. It will probably be put back on.
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the blue stained silicone is old, patched up, and crispy. I'll be scraping all of this off and redoing it. I have black silicone for aquariums coming in the mail.
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Some chips and dings out of the rim.
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IMO It looks better rimless.
Id keep it that way.
When you upgrade will you be getting any more sparklers, micorasboras or pygmy corys?
So i tried the ghost shrimp with Cheriko since I had to move stock around anyways when we got the 55g...

Unfortunately, Cheriko isn't so shrimp friendly.

She tore one of my little old ladies apart and ate her :( I removed the other old lady to another tank as my last ghost shrimp.

These weren't small shrimp either, triple the size of a cherry shrimp. And a betta still managed to eat her.
Not too shabby for first time resealing a tank. A little crude, but first time I've done this so I'm feeling pretty proud of it lol
Tank itself is 25 years old.
Are they inside a Dutch oven? :rofl: cute
No, a standard bowl!! I transferred all the fish in the 10 to the 20, but I haven't seen ALL of my pygmies in a long time, so I put them separately so I could count them. Make sure theyre all still around. Then put them in their new tank
No, a standard bowl!! I transferred all the fish in the 10 to the 20, but I haven't seen ALL of my pygmies in a long time, so I put them separately so I could count them. Make sure theyre all still around. Then put them in their new tank
It looked like a dutch oven :rofl:
Plants are starting to take off in the 55g.

From left to right:

Wisteria, hygrophila polysperma, Java moss, crypt Wendtii (on the driftwood), moneywort, ludwigia repens narrow, valisneria Americana, amazon swords. Floating plants are anacharis, salvinia, and some red root floaters
Now my driftwood sunk a little more, I took a saw to it and cut it into "tree trunks"

I tried out a white background on the 20g but don't like it. Asked my husband to grab some poster board. The tannins are taking well though. Probably going to have to anchor the hornwort as my sparkling gourami females are fighting relentlessly since spawning.

I moved the crypts from my 46 to the 20 nano, to give more cover for my sparkling gourami. Also added the black background. Its a bit cloudy from them being just planted, but here it is:

And the 46, now without crypts

And my little 1 gallon snail jar

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