My Male Betta Looks Sick

I doubt it was the salt how much did you add.
I said a teaspoon not a tablespoon, he was not in good health before you added the salt, so probably stress due to bad water quality.
Sorry getting mixed up with posters here, a tablespoon to 8gal should of been fine.

What diid you add the salt for anyway.

I doubt very much it was the salt probably really ill and the salt finished him off quickly, fish can go abit wild when you first add the salt.
How long did you have her, i would only advise salt when they are ill as it can help, not to add it to a bowl all the time.
Anyway sorry for your loss, R.I.P.
::pokes:: Thead hijacking....

At any rate, aquarium salt is safest because it is guarenteed free of anything harmful to fish. But if her fish has no fungus or illness, and just needed a water change, he'll be fine.

Pretty_betta, good luck with your boy. Hopefully if he recovers fully, you'll now know to do more often water changes, and he'll stay healthy.

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