My Lonely Panda!


New Member
Dec 20, 2006
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This is my panda cory, he is my favourite fish!! I wasnt told at my lfs that he would be needing any friends when i started out about 2 years ago, Ive only just started doing research online and although he has been with ther corys I am going to be getting about 4 more pandas this week hopefully if I can find any anywhere, also I read they are seasonal so will I be able to get hold of any around this time? I feel awful for keeping him on his own all this time although he has been with other cory cats! Bless him isnt he cute?!
Hmmm thats odd I did just look up on google images and it seems you are right, does anyone know what species it is? Also where can I get more?
I saw some of these guys in the shop the other day, they are so lovely!
Are they common? Where can I get more? I live in east anglia and I need some buddies for this little fella!
Thanks so much for all your replies although I think its Corydoras Melini as the black stripe on the tail on mine doesnt decend down the tail. I think its going to be hard for me to find more of the exact same species, I think ill just have to look for something as close as possible, Im going to swallow aquatics at the weekend, hopefully they will have something!
Its not a skunk cory. Its a Corydoras melini...

most definatly, looking at the pictures on the link.
your lonely fishy is the melini

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