My Lighting Diy Under $10!


Dec 25, 2006
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The valley in cali
Hey guys, I'm still new to the aquarium scene but being in college I try to find ways to accomplish my aquatic goals while keeping it on the cheap (not easy when you start encountering MTS.) Well anyways I found that my plant growth was less that spectacular with the stock lighthing (15w florescent with a 20 gallon tank.) I knew I needed to upgrade but was reluctant to spend the $50+ required to upgrade to a 2WPG or more level.

So that brings me to my DIY, I was cruising around in walmart taking a look at their fish medications when it dawned on me that I could very easily use compact florescent household bulbs to light my aquarium. I knew the normal household bulbs would be the wrong color but I knew I could make it work. I cruised on over to the lighting section and found some "Daylight 75" CF bulbs. They list a color rating of 6500 and should work great with a planted tank. I chose them and found some sockets with cables in the ceiling fan section and used a couple "L" brackets I already had at home. For reflectors I cut up a two liter bottle and sliced it in half and covered it with aluminum foil. The reflectors help the light dispersion a little better and I am satisfied with the results. It would be very easy for me to add another bulb in the future to give me 3wpg as well.

I am open to any ideas or improvements on the lighting as I know others have used the CF bulbs before, I just figured I would post my idea for the benefit of others looking for a cheap setup.

The bulbs were roughly $6 for the 2pack and the sockets were $1.99 each

Here's the pictures.



nor exactly condensation proof though could get nasty in there :/
i use the same bulbs on my planted great.i have 2 in the walmart hoods that fit 10 gals.mine is 15 tall
Thanks for the input guys... My hood actually has a plastic cover that blocks and condensation from getting to the lights as well as the lights from falling in an accident.... I'm looking out for more ideas as far as reflectors go since these are a temporary thing. Any ideas?
Hey guys figured I would bump to add that I took out the pop bottle reflectors and added aluminum roofing flashing, It bends easily and reflects the light much much better, and It's cheap too! there's noticable difference in the light output :good:
Do you have any detailed instructions on this? My hood's similar, it has a condensation guard, but the top part with the bulb has a surrounding. I like everything inside the top part needs to be removed. What do I need to buy in order to hook up the two new CF bulbs to the power?
Well In my case I just unscrewed the original housing and purchase replacement light sockets from walmart (or any hardware store) and then wired them into the original wiring and the switch as well. Then I took a couple L brackets and connected them to the hole in the socket housing and screwed it into the the original mounting screws in the hood. Like I mentioned I added the aluminum sheeting for the reflectors, it's very sharp and you need to be careful not to cut wires or your hands with it.

here's the picture

No it doesnt really get too bad at all... I added a third light in the middle to give me a little more as far as WPG's go and the plants are really taking off. I cant reccomend it more.
No it doesnt really get too bad at all... I added a third light in the middle to give me a little more as far as WPG's go and the plants are really taking off. I cant reccomend it more.
Hey dude! I was just wandering how your plants are going since the start of this experiment. I think this is the best invention since sliced bread! My dads finally agreed to let me set up a new fish tank and being a student, CBA to spend sooo much on the "propper" lighting.

Another question is, "When i calculate the wpg?!?! (i think thats the term for it) do i use the watts of the light, or the equivilent that it would produce if it was a normal bulb?

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