My Juwel Rio 240

Aww... your blue eye is a baby Pseudomugil furcata I believe. A furcata rainbow. Blue eye rainbow is a name that tends to be used on a lot of Pseudomugil species.

Tank looks great! You should try some live plants :D
Looks great!

I am hoping to do a similar looking tank only a 6footer.

I want to get the black sand exactly as you have but go full on planted. Wish I had the money!

Great setup you've done well. Nice to see someone preparing for their tank rather than going hammer and tongs into it without thinking about it.

Good job! :good:
Thanks bud :good:

Had a little change around as fish kept getting stuck in the plants at the back, not sure why. I do need something to go into the middle to cover the join in the background.

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My moonlighting, didn't go crazy, so its only subtle as i wanted the fish to be ok if i fell asleep and left the light on.

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Also had some pleasing test results,

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Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 20
P.H - 8.2 (higher than i thought, was always around 7.5 before)
Lovely looking tank, looks really fresh and clean lol!

The 3D background completes it, is it the Juwel stuff available in most fish shops?
Yeh, theres a few local shops round here that sell Juwel stuff, the background i got online though. It was from a site called zooplus, cheap and free delivery :good:
how did you setup the moonlighting?

great looking tank btw, you have a skill at aquascaping
Thank you, the moonlighting was done with these:

I used two blue lights and one green. They are inside the tank just on the waterline. I wanted to avoid the moonlights on ebay as they all seem way too bright, i like mine as it gives the fish time to settle down after the main lights go out


Loving the lights but it is kinda small.

You have REALLY have upgraded, bet you're mega excited!!

I had a 65l, now have a Juwel Vision 180 and am LOVING the space, it looks so much better :)

I would have went for the 240 but i live upstairs and worry about the weight on the floor!!

Looking forward to seeing pics of your new one!!
Thanks bud, yeh i know the lights are kinda dim. My main reason for fitting them was to stop the panic the fish normally have at lights out. With what i have now they don't seem bothered, just stay relaxed :)

Know what you mean about the weight, i used to worry with my little tank lol. Although i know someone with a 500l who lives in an apartment with no issues
Thank you, the moonlighting was done with these:

I used two blue lights and one green. They are inside the tank just on the waterline. I wanted to avoid the moonlights on ebay as they all seem way too bright, i like mine as it gives the fish time to settle down after the main lights go out



they make a really nice effect i might get some for my next tank
Great looking tank!

That's the look I'm going for on my new Juewl Trigon 190... black gravel and black 3d juwel background. Look's stunning! Shows the fish off very well :drool:

EDIT: Can I just ask what gravel that is? From a local pet store or online? Cheers bud

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