My Jd Keeps Laying Eggs..


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2006
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I was wondering if my red devil male can fertelize my female jack dempeys? Shes in a 55G tank with a 6 inch oscar and just lays eggs on a rock and guards them, then eats them. Could my JD possible pair up with my red devil and have fry? I seems like shes confused because the male oscar won't fertelize them.
in truth I am not sure that without labratroy equiptment that the RD would be able to, though I have heard of stranger happening so you can only try.
I dont see why not, I have seen JD x Texas and JD x Convict but if the devil is large and aggressive it might just attack the JD.
I dont see why not, I have seen JD x Texas and JD x Convict but if the devil is large and aggressive it might just attack the JD.
[/quotmy JD is about 5 inches and my RD is about 3 1/2. SO I don't even know if he can fertelize them right now.

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