My hybrids are growing up!

Let me be the first to tell you to SHUT YOUR FREAKING MOUTH! :angry:
I just wanted to say that it is extremely rude of you to tell Chris that it is "people like him ruining this hobby". As far as protecting and breeding true species, what do you call all the work he has put into his savoryi. They are a wild caught threesome he has, and he is currently raising more than one spawn of fry. Seems to me that's taking pretty darned good care of wild and rare species.

And did you not see the posts he has saying this was accidental? It's not his fault his fish decided to breed with a different species. I'll bet it happens in the wild sometimes too. He's not supporting hybrids, purely showing people some of his own. They are pretty fish whether or not they're pure. :rolleyes:
So Malawiblue. Wanna tell us all who you really are?

It's pretty obvious that you are an existing member on the forum under a different name. Too scared to offer opinions and bashes under your original screenname?

If you want to start acting all tough and opinionated, at least back it up with some reputation on the forum before you do so. Weak. :grr:
I agree with MalawiBlue you are a complete idiot for even thinking of putting such an abomination of a fish into the fish world. as MB said, its people like you who ruin the hobby, Look at the condition of the Peacocks.

if there is any way to describe you, it is as a PURE MORON.

I hope you never effect the world of fish with you stupid messed up hybrid abomination, because only a freaking idiot would do something to stupid.

Bet you would be pissed off if you bought a Hybrid Frontosa Zaire Blue / Mpimbwe Blue cross when you thought you were getting pure Zaire's. WOULDNT YOU.

I have said what I want to say, but I encourage you to kill the fry and the parents and stop those breeding habits.

freshmike said:
So Malawiblue. Wanna tell us all who you really are?

It's pretty obvious that you are an existing member on the forum under a different name. Too scared to offer opinions and bashes under your original screenname?

If you want to start acting all tough and opinionated, at least back it up with some reputation on the forum before you do so. Weak. :grr:
btw him and me come from an INTELLIGANT and STRAIGHTFOWARD TRUTH TELLING forum. a FORUM where people dont MISLEAD others to create HYBRIDS

ok I don't know who you people are, nor do i care when you speak to people like that, but maybe you should read posts more carefully before flying off the handle.

Freshmike has already stated that he would never circulate a hybrid, he was just sharing his experience with us, so why don't you do us all a favour and go back to that lovely INTELLIGANT and STRAIGHTFOWARD TRUTH TELLING forum....

btw its INTELLIGENT and STRAIGHTFORWARD, what great ambassadors for it you are....

What kind of example are you setting for new hobbyists? They'll see that hideous unnatural man-made creation and think "oh, thats a pretty fish." Why would you purposely show off such a terrible example of fishkeeping? If you have allowed your fish to hybridize you should cull the fry so that the pure strains of fish remain that way, PURE. Not be proud of owning some freaks of aquarium breeding. People like you ruin this hobby and all the work that has gone to protecting and breeding true species. Either one of those fishes parents are far more beautiful than the monstrosity that you have allowed to exist.

If you like your fish, then by all means, keep it, just don't show it off as something to be proud of. All you are accomplishing by this post is that it makes it seem ok for people to mix fish that look far better in there natural form. There are already too many hybrid fish in this hobby, please do not encourage it by showing off these "pretty" fish.

Please think twice before posting something like this again. I would be glad to explain myself further if you would like.


Sorry guys, but I have to agree with MB on this one.

What annoys me the most about this post is that FM is encouraging people, indirectly, to experiment and see if they can make a fish as pretty as his. This, IMO, is irresponsible fish keeping.

I am glad to read that FM isn't going to distribute them, well supposedly isn't, but I do find it odd that you are keeping a pair that is spawning with each other. And to think that all hybrids are sterile is a bit naive of you. Granted, I haven't read enough of your posts to know exactly how smart you are, or think you are, but if you have been in the hobby enough you know of some of the problems with degrating quality, or authenticity of some species, due to cross breeding. One example would be Aulunocara x S. Fryeri crossbreeds. ;)

Once again, what annoys me the most is that you are encouraging naive people to create their own "freak of nature".

Have you looked around to see if these hybrids have been done before with sucess??
:crazy: :no:

Simply beautiful and perfect as always.  :wub:  :)  :thumbs:
:crazy: :no:

....P.S. Heather, I hope you asked for permission before you took that logo from for your avatar. :angry:


What annoys me the most about this post is that FM is encouraging people, indirectly, to experiment and see if they can make a fish as pretty as his. This, IMO, is irresponsible fish keeping.

I am in 100% agreement with this statement. Freshmike, as a cichlid owner & breeder I would think that you would understand the importance of this. I understand that you are not planning on distributing any of the offspring, however if you allow them to continue to breed eventually you will have to do something with them. At that point you are only going to have a few options either destroying the fry or to start supplying them to your LFS. This is the part that really scares me, I agree that these fish are asthetically pleasing to most people which creates an even bigger problem because that makes them desirable to people new to the cichlid hobby.

This post is not to try and bash you but to give you the opinion of a cichlid owner and breeder. Many people have worked years, some most of their adult lives to try to classify all of the Malawi species and it is our job (Responsible Cichlid Breeders) to keep those species pure.

And did you not see the posts he has saying this was accidental? It's not his fault his fish decided to breed with a different species. I'll bet it happens in the wild sometimes too. He's not supporting hybrids, purely showing people some of his own. They are pretty fish whether or not they're pure.

Sorry Julie, but NO this does not happen in the wild. These two fish are from completely different parts of Lake Malawi, and if not for aquariums would never see each other or have a chance to breed.

Anyway, This post is intended not as to bash anyone but to educate people about cichlids.
Freshmike I have only 2 requests of you.
1. That you do not EVER distribute these fish or the fry from these fish to anyone (LFS, Friend, etc.) As you stated in one of your earlier posts.
2. That when or if you post pics of Hybrid cichlids in the future you STRESS the problems that Hybrids can cause and the IMPORTANCE of not ever distributing them. So as not to encourage people to try and breed hybrids themselves.

Thanks for listening to my comments I invite all of you to PM me or reply. By the way I am new to the forum as of today, I am from several Cichlid forums and not using a made up or spoof name.
:grr: where did the trolls come from FM? I think this guy is just trying to troll the boards. An admin/mod could easily trace the IP address of this poster and verify it is one person. I think the admins should also ban this person too.
#1 I dont really see anything wrong if FM has 2 consenting adult cichlids has a child. This person may have a point if the cichlids werent married, but out of wedlock cichlid births arent at issue here.
#2 I think this poster needs to be more concerned with the commercial sale of the parrot cichlids. I do want to state, I dont see anything wrong with the fish being sold, I was just saying this poster should have a problem that fish more than a guy that had 2 fish make a 3rd fish.
#3 If you are different people this forum's members are polite and like to settle disagreements in a calm civil matter. Use the rule your mom should have made you learn. "If you cant say anything nice dont say anything at all"
#4 If you want to stir up crap, you should have a toilet or out house that has more than enough for you to play with.
#5 is this the troll that was buying Bettas to fight? Get a life buddy.
BlueMage said:
....P.S. Heather, I hope you asked for permission before you took that logo from for your avatar.  :angry:
umm...I am sorry I didnt realize she was selling this logo ? You do realize she would have to profit from this logo in order to be sued. It would cost that place a lot of money to sue her for use of this avatar.
Quoting rollntider:
this forum's members are polite and like to settle disagreements in a calm civil matter.
Quoting FreshMike:
Let me be the first to tell you to SHUT YOUR FREAKING MOUTH! :angry:

-_- :unsure: :blink: :crazy: :dunno:

Also, I disagree with parrot fish, flowerhorns, ect.

Regarding the frontosa logo - I thought it was a bit cheap and lacking uniqueness to take it from an online buisness.

BTW, rollntider, are you trying to troll for something? I just wanted to share my opinion on this thread, as I heard about it through another source. But, if you are trolling, you won''t be snagging me as I have nothing else to say here. Enjoy yourself. ;)
BlueMage said:
Regarding the frontosa logo - I thought it was a bit cheap and lacking uniqueness to take it from an online buisness.

BTW, rollntider, are you trying to troll for something? I just wanted to share my opinion on this thread, as I heard about it through another source. But, if you are trolling, you won''t be snagging me as I have nothing else to say here. Enjoy yourself. ;)
no trolling here, just funny your first post is complaining that someone had a fish cross breed.

Also I havent seen the post where she claimed the logo as her own. I see many people on the sports forums use their teams logo as their avatar and many other artists such as myself enjoy seeing their work used by others. I for one would be flattered someone like my work enough to use it. There is nothing "cheap" about it at all.

As for FM's telling him to shut someones mouth is his bussiness, he had already stated he had 2 different species cross breed by accident. that is fine you disagree , but I feel his thread showing his fish is not the proper place to voice your dislike of something. I feel that you "newbies" came here with the intention to slam FM, How about introducing yourself first before you take a chance to "slam" a good member of this forum. All of your and the supposed other new people just came in and started in on FM. If you disagree fine that is your opinion. Do you when you meet someone for the first time start pointing out likes and dislikes of them , their hobbies or there demeanor right off the start? Please keep that in mind, Mike didn't start this.
BlueMage said:
Granted, I haven't read enough of your posts to know exactly how smart you are, or think you are,
BTW nice quote from your first post.

Also how do you feel about albinos? they are selectively crossbred, guppies are and various other fish are subjected to inbreeding to get a certain "strain" That is something I would figure you would have a problem with also, so then you probably condem the Guppy, discus,cichlid or any other kind of "pure strain breeder" because they are making unatural breeding take place. For that matter you should probably condem yourself while you are at it because these fish are more than likely not in the wild kept in a glass box, and after all that is your point.
Malawiblue said:
What kind of example are you setting for new hobbyists? They'll see that hideous unnatural man-made creation and think "oh, thats a pretty fish." Why would you purposely show off such a terrible example of fishkeeping? If you have allowed your fish to hybridize you should cull the fry so that the pure strains of fish remain that way, PURE. Not be proud of owning some freaks of aquarium breeding. People like you ruin this hobby and all the work that has gone to protecting and breeding true species. Either one of those fishes parents are far more beautiful than the monstrosity that you have allowed to exist.

If you like your fish, then by all means, keep it, just don't show it off as something to be proud of. All you are accomplishing by this post is that it makes it seem ok for people to mix fish that look far better in there natural form. There are already too many hybrid fish in this hobby, please do not encourage it by showing off these "pretty" fish.

Please think twice before posting something like this again. I would be glad to explain myself further if you would like.

Fish Nazi!

At least Chigawaa posted his thoughts and opinions without resorting to personal digs like others, this is the only post I have taken seriously. Welcome to the Forum. I am sorry if others who replied before you represent your forum/s, I think they just need to tone it down a bit. :crazy:

I do totally agree with all that you have said in your post, but I have read Freshmike's posts enough before to know that he was just sharing his experiences with us, and was in no way encouraging others to breed hybrids, and is responsible enough to know that distributing these fish in any way would be a bad idea. Perhaps he could have said more about how you should not do this, but with hindsight we would do a lot of things different. It is not right to crucify him for it. Do you make a list of what not to do on every post you make?

Earlier responses may have led you to think that he was leading others into thinking this was a good idea, but I think people were genuinely interested in how this happened and just wanted to know more about it, like myself.


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