My Fluval Edge Tank - With Fish!

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Day 48: Ammonia: 0.50ppm - Only tested ammonia level (seemed fainter and half way between 0.25 & 0.50 - or it was wishful thinking)
It is a miracle. :lol:

Although the water does look a little cloudy today.
Nice one, I'm only a little jelous of your success so far! I'm coming up to day 50 now and Ammonia is still at 3-4ppm... My eyes keep playing tricks on me and I think I see a light green tinge, but alas no it remains dark green...

Not sure what anyone else thinks and if I were you I wouldn't listen too much to the most unsucessful fishless cycler on the forumTM (that's what I'm naming myself anyhow) but if your Ammonia is 0.25 today I'd think about dosing back up again. All my troubles started when it was stuck at what looked like 0.25ppm for several days.
Well I was stuck with a decision as I was away for 2 days & couldn't test the water so I dosed with 1ml of Ammonia before I left. Didn't want to come back to 0.0ppm and the A-bacs having snuffed it & start again.

Just got back & todays readings are:

Day 53: pH = 7.6 / pH High = 8.3 / Ammonia: 0.50ppm / Nitrite: 0.25ppm / Nitrate: 80ppm+
You're tank looks great. How are you finding it? Im looking at getting one next month to start my fishless cycle. Have you thought of what your going to stock it with yet?
The tank in itself is fine, couple of design issues make it awkward to work with at times & not suitable for every fish.

Stock-wise I'm still undecided but I'll make my decision nearer the time, once I get nearer to fully cycled.
Day 55: Ammonia: 0.00ppm - Only tested ammonia level (near as #41#### it 0.00ppm - Dosed 1.2ml ammonia)

Day 56: Ammonia: 4.00ppm - Only tested ammonia level

Day 57: Ammonia: 1.00ppm - Only tested ammonia level
Day 58: Ammonia: 0.00ppm - 0.25ppm - Only tested ammonia level (more than 0.00 but much less than 0.25, really hard to distinguish the colour - dosed 1ml)

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