Thanks for the complements on the flagtail. They are a very nice.Aquajardin had ~6 baby Flagtails in stock yesterday, they looked amazing in the flesh after seeing these nice thread photos!
So much so I looked them up as to see if they could work in my 540l riverine setup, but "homework" so far suggests that this tank is the bare minimum for one specimen, even if the temp (22/23C) and water flow (planned 12500 lph powerhead along with at least one APS 2000EF filter to begin with) were ok... Does this sound right?
Hmm, "edit" is messed up...
Wanted to add they were ~6cm SL specimens, plus their shape (front end very streamlined with stocky mid body) looks very quirky!
What diet do you give yours, flagtail?
Sounds like a good stocklist.I need to update my sig, as I moved some fish down to give what appears to be my Lionhead Cichlid parents some decreased threat for their fry, as my better half is convinced she saw a hopping miniture fish under the Rio's filter chamber.
So the 540l now holds...
I will be popping into Aquajardin tomorrow anyway to ask the manager if he can price match a Koralia Magnum 8 at £106, so I can get some footage of the Flagtails then
- 2x Opsarius pulchellus
- 4x Barilius canarensis (? needs confirmation)
- 3x Barilius dogarsinghi (may be moving back to Rio possibly, as they are far more placid than the other fish above them, plus they max out at ~8cm)
- 6x Puntius denisonii (as above, plus they are commercially bred specimens that may not enjoy the cooler temps that wild ones do)
- 4x Ctenopoma acutirostre (only ~3cm, but I was concerned they may predate of the Steatocranus fry, another baby specimen is "AWOL" at present)
- 1x Synodontis brichardi (bought yesterday and added to Rio, 24 hours later I disturb the poor fish to give him/her more room and a better environment (more flow, cooler temps, more space) plus eliminate any fry predation)
Wow those are lil cuties.......... Those are semaprochilous taeniurus. You are in luck. I couldn't tell if there was atleast 4 in their but you should get 3-4 or just 1.Spent ~2 hours down there this lunchtime, only just remembering to get this clip in the final moments I was there! The info label suggested 20cm max size, although I'm reading 30+ is more like it. In addition, I think their label (or Serious Fish) have cross-named scientific and common names.
They should be fine with the heater. I don't see any problems. My tank for the group is 150 gallons for now. Then they will be upgraded. They can reach 12'' (30 cm) but that is in rare cases. Most of them will max out at about (25 cm). As long as the hill trout are peacuful, and are not aggressive you shouldn't have no problems. Its a personal choice for you. If you want to get 1 he will live perfectly in your tank. If you want 3-4 you will need to upgrade to a bigger tank.There were ~6 in the tank, but my reading so far suggests that a 540l should just house one.
How big is your tank for your group?
Is Seriously Fish right in expecting them to max out at 30cm (http/ or is Aquajardin's label of 20cm more realistic in captivity? Maybe the lurking Neale will know
For me personally, another issue is whether they would cope with my 22C heater stat setting for my other riverine fish, not to mention whether my "Hill Trout" may be considered too boisterous (although since the tank upgrade they are all playing much more nicely together, even with the recently added Humphead Glassfish).