My Fish Tank


New Member
Feb 5, 2012
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Franklin, TN.
Hi my name is blake im new to this fourm and ive had my fish tank for about a year now and i have 1 male guppy 2 female guppis 2 red minor tetra 3 giant danio 2 skirt tetras 2 red blue tetras 2 neon tetras and 2 otocinlus(algea eaters) and my tank is 55 gallons and my question is do i have to many in my tank now or can i add a few more? My female guppies get pregnat but i think all the other fish eat the fry and i was wondering if i bought a breeding net and put her in there and let her have her fry and when they get big let them in the big tank and then relase her back in and then the big fish can controll my guppy population cause it seems like there doing a good job at it. Any information will be greatly appreciated, thanks
I wouldnt say you were over stocked, not by a long shot, but i would say you should research the fish you have already. All of those species are "social" fish, they need to be in groups of their own kind, usually 6+, all though tetras may mix, they feel more secure with their own if they feel in danger. Giant Danios are the same, but can grow to 6", they may be pushing it as a group in a 55G. Head over to, fill in the spaces, its not THE definition, but it helps to build a picture of what can mix etc.
You could get away with a few more fish and the best way to do that would be to up the numbers of the shoaling fish you have.

Breeding nets stress females out. Youd be better off having more cover in the tank for the fry, such as bushy plants, floating plants, java moss etc. and catching them whenever you see any, THEN putting the fry into the breeding net.
thanks for the input guys im sure ill have more questions later on cause im new to the hobby if thats what you call it.
I also meant to ask would it be ok to add another filter, its big enough for my tank now but i heard adding another one would benfit in keeping it clean if the current of the water is not strong but i told the people what fish i have and how many and they said it probley wont be neccasary cause i dont have that many for the size of my tank. And also skinbad that website didnt work for me i was just asking is that the correct website?
I also meant to ask would it be ok to add another filter, its big enough for my tank now but i heard adding another one would benfit in keeping it clean if the current of the water is not strong but i told the people what fish i have and how many and they said it probley wont be neccasary cause i dont have that many for the size of my tank. And also skinbad that website didnt work for me i was just asking is that the correct website?

That website has been filtered because it's generally not supported by this site, if it's the one I'm thinking skinbad was trying to type out, because it's not very good!

If you want to add another filter that's up to you, it certainly won't harm the tank in anyway, unless the current for the fish becomes so strong that they cant swim around the tank. So one with an adjustable output might be good.

You certainly don't have many fish compared to what some people cram into a 55 gallon, but like already said, it's not very good stocking. A bit mix and match with a couple here, a few there - fish benefit from being in larger groups of their own kind.
I also meant to ask would it be ok to add another filter, its big enough for my tank now but i heard adding another one would benfit in keeping it clean if the current of the water is not strong but i told the people what fish i have and how many and they said it probley wont be neccasary cause i dont have that many for the size of my tank. And also skinbad that website didnt work for me i was just asking is that the correct website?

That website has been filtered because it's generally not supported by this site, if it's the one I'm thinking skinbad was trying to type out, because it's not very good!

If you want to add another filter that's up to you, it certainly won't harm the tank in anyway, unless the current for the fish becomes so strong that they cant swim around the tank. So one with an adjustable output might be good.

You certainly don't have many fish compared to what some people cram into a 55 gallon, but like already said, it's not very good stocking. A bit mix and match with a couple here, a few there - fish benefit from being in larger groups of their own kind.

im very new too, and i know some of what you are going to hear bout stocking isn't going to sit well with you, it sure didn't for me i loved all my fishies. but definitely if you can take their advice, after being here listening to everyone i decided i didn't know enough about the fish i had in my tank and brought the whole lot back to my LFS (minus my pretty boy i couldn't part with n my bottom feeders) and stuck to what i semi-know best which are my mollies/platys/sword-tails. i know this doesn't answer any of your questions but i wanted to let you know someone else was new here too that got the ''bad stocking'' reference and benefited from listening! good luck on your journey into fish-keeping!
thanks for the helpful tips i will be changing my stock soon but im in the process of building a wooden stand for my fish tank right now and should only take a day or 2 and ill try and post some pics of my stand if you guys would like to see it?

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