My Fish all died.

Good luck, I hope it works out for you and your fish this time. I am working on my 2nd freshwater tank and went with gavel and plants like moneywort and water sprite that get most of what they need from the water. I am doing a silent cycle again. I am reading up on using dirt but do not feel comfortable with it as of yet.
When I made this post I was completely wrong on two major issues. I was unfamiliar with the soak method and didn't know it was a thing. I apologize for that.
Also I misunderstood in his post that the fish died before the holidays and the tank was bereft of fish at that point. For that I apologize again.
I had good intentions but obviously I royally screwed up.
I'm very sorry Winter

How does one soak purify dirt ? Does this soak kill all harmful microorganisms ? Does it kill the eggs of various species of insects that might thrive in water ? Does it clean out the possible rodent feces that the dirt may contain ? What kind of soak is it that you performed that keeps soil nutrients in tact and kills every other possible harmful thing ? I have never used soil from out side in a fish tank. I prefer to use the brands of substrate that have the nutrients and none of the worries. A bit pricey but think of the savings in the cost of replacement fish and the time saved in having to take emergency action..... Which brings me to my next item...... Fish are living creatures and deserve to be kept in a way that makes them healthy so they can thrive. When they are in distress, we don't wait until after the holidays. We take action immediately.
Get your own test kits. Have a backup heater. If this post sounds harsh just know that I only want you to think a little more about providing proper care for living creatures.
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How does one soak purify dirt ? Does this soak kill all harmful microorganisms ? Does it kill the eggs of various species of insects that might thrive in water ? Does it clean out the possible rodent feces that the dirt may contain ? What kind of soak is it that you performed that keeps soil nutrients in tact and kills every other possible harmful thing ? I have never used soil from out side in a fish tank. I prefer to use the brands of substrate that have the nutrients and none of the worries. A bit pricey but think of the savings in the cost of replacement fish and the time saved in having to take emergency action..... Which brings me to my next item...... Fish are living creatures and deserve to be kept in a way that makes them healthy so they can thrive. When they are in distress, we don't wait until after the holidays. We take action immediately.
Get your own test kits. Have a backup heater. If this post sounds harsh just know that I only want you to think a little more about providing proper care for living creatures.

Good grief! I sift all my dirt then soak it then empty it and soak it again. I follow Diana Walstads method in all of my tanks. Perhaps you have read her book? The Ecology of a planted aquarium? No? Second I have never had any problems like this. That is why it is so shocking. I have never had a mass die off of my fish.

When I said this

:) Okay. I will begin to work on this now the holidays are over. Btw, I soaked the dirt before I put it in the tank.

I meant that I would start to adjust my water. The fish passed on BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS. And I had no time to address the water. There are no fish in this tank. So I felt fine leaving it for a few days. I would never THINK of leaving fish while the water was off. I would take immediate action. I am not in the habit of causing pain or suffering to fish. And it would be nice if you would listen to the whole story before accusing me of animal cruelty. The tank is empty now and I am testing and adjusting the water parameters. I have a job, a life, a family and school. I ALWAYS provide proper care for my fish. I will not be getting any more fish until this whole water thing is resolved. Btw here is a link to the walstad method.
Winter I apologize on both counts. I don't have her book and I'm not familiar with her soak method. At least I have the chance to learn something. I further apologize for I must have read the post wrong not realizing the fish were all dead prior to your saying after the holidays. An honest mistake and I hope you forgive me.
Think about it if you honestly believed that someone was waiting until after the holidays..... how would you react ?
Winter I apologize on both counts. I don't have her book and I'm not familiar with her soak method. At least I have the chance to learn something. I further apologize for I must have read the post wrong not realizing the fish were all dead prior to your saying after the holidays. An honest mistake and I hope you forgive me.
Think about it if you honestly believed that someone was waiting until after the holidays..... how would you react ?

Its fine :) I understand why you got mad. I would too. But the main point is I waited until after the holiday to start considering new fish and adjusting my water. I would NEVER intentionally cause pain to any living creature

Diana is a brilliant fish keeper and I always follow her instructions. Her basic idea is to create a natural enviorment. Thus she uses dirt. Diana sifts and soaks her dirt. Then plants it and allows for a cycling and adjustment period before adding fish. You should read her book! Its a fantastic read and she backs up all her theories and practices with evidence.
She talks a lot about using plants as natural filters. And what plants are the best for soaking up ammonia ect. I love her technical descriptions
I am a big believer in having plants to soak up ammonia. So far my 2nd tank to undergo a silent cycle is doing fine, in fact the guppies had babies. I am going to pick up some more plants tomorrow to put into that tank.

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