How does one soak purify dirt ? Does this soak kill all harmful microorganisms ? Does it kill the eggs of various species of insects that might thrive in water ? Does it clean out the possible rodent feces that the dirt may contain ? What kind of soak is it that you performed that keeps soil nutrients in tact and kills every other possible harmful thing ? I have never used soil from out side in a fish tank. I prefer to use the brands of substrate that have the nutrients and none of the worries. A bit pricey but think of the savings in the cost of replacement fish and the time saved in having to take emergency action..... Which brings me to my next item...... Fish are living creatures and deserve to be kept in a way that makes them healthy so they can thrive. When they are in distress, we don't wait until after the holidays. We take action immediately.
Get your own test kits. Have a backup heater. If this post sounds harsh just know that I only want you to think a little more about providing proper care for living creatures.