My First 'proper' Planted Aquarium...

Well, I picked up a bottle of the Florinmulti today...'twas all that they had. I'm going to give it a shot and will let all know how it works out. Funny story really, the LFS that sells plants doesn't sell ferts and the one that doesn't sell plants stocks ferts...weird. They informed me that they do usually stock Flourish so if I don't see some result with the Brightwell product I should be able to get the Flourish there. I had been dosing with PlantGro...I think I would have seen better results dosing with water alone. If only I lived in the UK...
Never buy an all in one fert that says anything like (taken from their blurb):

not included in the list of components that comprise this solution. FlorinMulti does not contain phosphorus or nitrogen; our extensive experience with planted aquarium husbandry has led us to believe that these nutrients should be added directly if/when desired by the hobbyist in accordance with plant needs

My answer to this would be that plants require lots of NPK so it is pointless making a fert with just K in it. When it doesn't contain N&P then it cannot be called an all in one so their ealier statement in the blurb is untrue:

Well-suited to the planted aquarium hobbyist seeking one simple solution to use for the majority of plant husbandry requirements (e.g. aside from instances when specific water parameters require adjustment).

So it is an all in one but you have to add N & P yourself????

Have to look closely when buying ferts. A lot of them pander to the old myths and leave N and P out where N and P are much more important than the trace elements that they include in the fert!!!

Yeah, I was aware that it did not contain N or P, this is why I asked what I would have to add additionally. Some 'truth in advertising', eh? lol This is just a stopgap solution until I can get something better anyway...
You need to add N and P either from Seachem's range or probably Brightwell have the same sort of setup. Their marketing works you see. they've got you paying for 3 bottles when you could've gone the dry powder route. lol

Marketing people are great aren't they. he, he.

I have Rex Griggs' page permanently tabbed. lol Is there a form of P readily available at gardening centers/hydroponic stores? If so, which form should I buy until I place an order with Rex?
I have no idea really on this. The sort of chemicals we use (KNO3 and KH2PO4) are used by most garden manufacturers in their products but garden centres over here never seem to stock them as individual products. Worth a look but be careful not to use anything else as it may also contain things you don't want and the fish won't like!!!

It's been awhile since I updated so here you go:



The Anubias lanceolata in the center will be removed shortly...just taking up space. Starting to see some algae issues on the rock and wood...
Note the algae growing on the edge of the rock and on the won't be able to really tell from the pics, but the algae started out very green and has recently gotten very light (yellow-white). Is it dying or have I somehow angered it? lol
As you can see in the second pic above, some of my Crypt's roots are growing up out of the gravel. Is this normal or due to some deficiency in the substrate? I'm using root tabs and after recently uprooting some of them I noticed that there is a pretty extensive root network under the gravel as well.
How important is making sure not to bury the upper part of the rhizome? This appears to be where all of the roots are coming from. I was instructed by the plant supplier to not bury the top of the rhizome.
IME it doesnt make a difference, Before i used to plant them with the rhizome above the substrate, but in my latest tank i have them buried, and it doesnt affect growth.


Excuse the poor photo, i just took it quickly.

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