My First Planted

Hi guys/gals, just a quick update.

Few things have changed in the tank, lost some of the fish in the tank for no apparent reason, added three new ottos and problems started after that so not sure if they were the cause, anyway I lost the corries, the Aspistogrammas, and some of the ottos including the new ones. So for now I will let things as they are regarding fish, now I have left the 2 rainbows, 10 harlequim rasbora, 2 ottos, 1 betta, 1 clown plec (I think its still there) and some amano and red cherry shrimp.

Also since I couldn't find the dead fish I had to strip the tank to clean it properly and decided to uproot the plants and redo the moss wall, took the oportunity to learn from the moss wall what I did wrong before and make it right this time.

Here the tank after the clean up, with no moss wall:

Here two days later with the new moss wall:




Here is yesterday:

Fissidens Fontanus:

Staurogyne sp.:

Helferi and glosso:

Thanks for looking, comments and critics always welcomed :)
That's it, I'm getting myself a moss wall.

That's an absolutely gorgeous tank.
Thanks guys, yes it was a real shame, I hate loosing fish :| won't get any more fish anytime soon, will concentrate on the plants again for the time being.
Just a quick update, just letting things grow at the moment, haven't been to LFS so no new stems, just working with I got on the right hand side, still not happy about it. Have removed the Fissidens Fontanus from the redmoor wood and placed it in the shrimp tank as I had an algae issue with it, almost clearned now ;)
Got all the spare parts I ordered to sort out my external, it was leaking, new o-rings sorted everything :)

Some photos:



Taiwan Moss:

Spiky Moss:

Weeping moss wall:

Thanks for looking :)
Hi guys/gals, just a quick update.

Few things have changed in the tank, lost some of the fish in the tank for no apparent reason, added three new ottos and problems started after that so not sure if they were the cause, anyway I lost the corries, the Aspistogrammas, and some of the ottos including the new ones. So for now I will let things as they are regarding fish, now I have left the 2 rainbows, 10 harlequim rasbora, 2 ottos, 1 betta, 1 clown plec (I think its still there) and some amano and red cherry shrimp.

Also since I couldn't find the dead fish I had to strip the tank to clean it properly and decided to uproot the plants and redo the moss wall, took the oportunity to learn from the moss wall what I did wrong before and make it right this time.

Here the tank after the clean up, with no moss wall:

Here two days later with the new moss wall:




Here is yesterday:

Fissidens Fontanus:

Staurogyne sp.:

Helferi and glosso:

Thanks for looking, comments and critics always welcomed :)
:hyper: :drool: :drool: :drool: :hyper: wow
Just a quick update, just letting things grow at the moment, haven't been to LFS so no new stems, just working with I got on the right hand side, still not happy about it. Have removed the Fissidens Fontanus from the redmoor wood and placed it in the shrimp tank as I had an algae issue with it, almost clearned now ;)
Got all the spare parts I ordered to sort out my external, it was leaking, new o-rings sorted everything :)

Some photos:



Taiwan Moss:

Spiky Moss:

Weeping moss wall:

Thanks for looking :)

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! (Excuse the langauge) F***ing BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! XD
Absolutely amazing tank, I love it. So jealous my plants grow ok but are no-where near that good.

Your plants are so lush, im getting a new tank wednesday may have to have a go at the moss wall myself for a background. Will any moss work or is it one in particular. How is it attached to the tank?

Absolutely amazing tank, I love it. So jealous my plants grow ok but are no-where near that good.
Your plants are so lush, im getting a new tank wednesday may have to have a go at the moss wall myself for a background. Will any moss work or is it one in particular. How is it attached to the tank?
For the moss wall I would recommend Xmas moss or Weeping moss (which I am using), you can get a plastic mesh from garden centers and just hold in place with suckers, or you can purchase a full kit on ebay.
Quick update with some photos :)

Due to problem with my luminaire, one of the ballasts went about 3 weeks ago, so things in the tank have been suffering.
I have lost almost all my Blyxa, my Donoi is almost all gone too, and the glosso started suffering too, the right hand side is a little bare and the rest of the glosso started growing upwards rather than as a carpet, plenty of trimming to try and keep it low.

I managed to purchase a replacement ballast online (EJQ ignored all my emails regarding the ballast, luminaire was still under warranty) and yesterday attempted a DIY install with success :) I have now a fully working luminaira again.

Some photos:




Moss wall:

Taiwan moss:

Managed to get this side shot:

Thanks for looking, comments and critics always welcomed by everyone :)
Just a little update, has some might have noticed on a old post I have a little bit of glosso growing emersed over the tubbing of my external filter spraybar, today while doing the weekly water change I noticed it was flowering :)

Overal photo of the glosso:

Closer up of the glosso:

Close shots of the two flowers:


Thanks for looking, comments and critics always welcomed :)
your tank is beautiful- and your journal makes it look like anyone could do it- thanks for posting. AMAZING

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