Fish Crazy
Hi guys/gals, just a quick update.
Few things have changed in the tank, lost some of the fish in the tank for no apparent reason, added three new ottos and problems started after that so not sure if they were the cause, anyway I lost the corries, the Aspistogrammas, and some of the ottos including the new ones. So for now I will let things as they are regarding fish, now I have left the 2 rainbows, 10 harlequim rasbora, 2 ottos, 1 betta, 1 clown plec (I think its still there) and some amano and red cherry shrimp.
Also since I couldn't find the dead fish I had to strip the tank to clean it properly and decided to uproot the plants and redo the moss wall, took the oportunity to learn from the moss wall what I did wrong before and make it right this time.
Here the tank after the clean up, with no moss wall:
Here two days later with the new moss wall:
Here is yesterday:
Fissidens Fontanus:
Staurogyne sp.:
Helferi and glosso:
Thanks for looking, comments and critics always welcomed
Few things have changed in the tank, lost some of the fish in the tank for no apparent reason, added three new ottos and problems started after that so not sure if they were the cause, anyway I lost the corries, the Aspistogrammas, and some of the ottos including the new ones. So for now I will let things as they are regarding fish, now I have left the 2 rainbows, 10 harlequim rasbora, 2 ottos, 1 betta, 1 clown plec (I think its still there) and some amano and red cherry shrimp.
Also since I couldn't find the dead fish I had to strip the tank to clean it properly and decided to uproot the plants and redo the moss wall, took the oportunity to learn from the moss wall what I did wrong before and make it right this time.
Here the tank after the clean up, with no moss wall:
Here two days later with the new moss wall:
Here is yesterday:
Fissidens Fontanus:
Staurogyne sp.:
Helferi and glosso:
Thanks for looking, comments and critics always welcomed