My Fantail Goldfish Has A Bubble Under Her Tail?


New Member
Feb 23, 2012
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I just went over by my fish, Marbles, and noticed that there is a bubble under the bridge of her fantail. At first I thought it could have been a water bubble just caught there, but when she swims around I can see that it's not see-through as a water bubble would be. This bubble is a beige-ish colour. It's a little bit smaller than a dime. She is behaving normally. This only had to have developed sometime today, as I never noticed it last night. I tried to get a picture of it but she won't stay still long enough for me to do so.
Any idea on what this could be? 
Hi, it's really hard to say what it could be without seeing a picture. From your description it could even be lymphocystis. Try searching for images on google for lymphocystis on goldfish and see if it's simialr to what your goldfish has. You'd get better help from the experts on this site if you make a post on the emergency section of the forum.
Thank you - I posted in the emergency section with a picture that I grabbed from google

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